WOLips Tutorials
Version 279.1 by Pascal Robert on 2023/11/13 11:55
- Project Wonder Installation on Mac OS X
- Setup of WOLips for developing with multiple versions of WebObjects
- Project Wonder Installation on Windows
- Useful Eclipse Plugins
- Useful Eclipse or WOLips Preferences
Migrating from Xcode
- Upgrading to WOLips from Xcode or Project Builder
- Import an Xcode project into WOLips
- Using the XcodeMigration tool
Setting Up a Project
- Create a new WO Application
- Setting the default text encoding for Eclipse
- Add a Jar Dependency
- Add a Framework Dependency
- Create a WebObjects Framework
- Working with the Jars in WebObjects Extensions
- Custom Project Templates
- About the Properties file
Troubleshooting Build Problems
Editing WOComponents
- Create a new WO Component
- Edit a WO Component
- Using WOBuilder with WOLips
- Content Assist for WOD Files
- Modern Binding Styles
- WOOGNL Helper Functions
- Refactor - Rename Binding Feature
- Refactor - Format HTML Feature
- Rename a WOComponent
- Click to Open
Editing EOModels
- Entity Modeler
- Generating Custom EO Java Classes
- EOGenerator
- Using Model Groups
- Creating a Many to Many Join
- Using EntityModeler.app
Eclipse/WOLips Development Tips
Running and Debugging
- Deploy a WO Application
- Split Install Deployment
- Change default application bundle names
- Embedding WOFrameworks
- Alternative Ant Build Script for Fully Embedded and Split Install Bundles
- Remote deployment with Ant and ssh
Maven (Alternative build environment)
- Maven Hello WOrld
- Maven Create WO Application Project
- Maven Running or Debugging as WO Application
- Maven Kicking the tyres without changing your project structure
- Maven Creating Wonder Applications
- Maven Creating Wonder Frameworks