Selenium Command Examples
Using XPath Expressions as Locators
Click a link having css class 'sel_create_team'
clickAndWait | //a[WONDER:@class='sel_create_team'] |
Add the first element of a list browser (aka. 'select' element) to the current selections. The list browser is identified by css class 'sel_browser_list'
addSelection | //select[WONDER:@class='sel_browser_list'] | value=0 |
Add the third element of a list browser (aka. 'select' element) to the current selections. The list browser is identified by css class 'sel_browser_list'
addSelection | //select[WONDER:@class='sel_browser_list'] | value=2 |
Add the item named "John Murphy" of a list browser (aka. 'select' element) to the current selections. The list browser is identified by css class 'sel_browser_list'
addSelection | //select[WONDER:@class='sel_browser_list'] | label=John Murphy |
Store the current value of an input field into a script variable. The input field is identified by the css class "sel_EditTeam_teamName" and we are storing the current field value into a script variable named "var_EditTeam_teamName"
storeValue | //input[WONDER:@class='sel_EditTeam_teamName'] | var_EditTeam_teamName |
Use a stored variable later in the script (on a different page or whatever) to click a dynamic hyperlink that uses the stored value as the hyperlink text
clickAndWait | link=${var_EditTeam_teamName} |
Type the value 'abc' in the input field having class 'sel_input'
type | //input[WONDER:@class='sel_input'] | abc |
Store the value 'abc' in a script variable named var1
store | abc | var1 |