Programming__WebObjects-Web Applications-Development-SSL
Version 23.1 by Quinton Dolan on 2007/07/12 20:45
Detecting SSL
Code for detecting whether SSL is active for the current request:
I'm told this won't work with IIS:
// Is this page being accessed securely?
boolean secureMode = false;
String header = context.request().headerForKey("https");
if( header == null ) {
log.debug( "no https header, looking for server_port" );
header = context.request().headerForKey( "server_port" );
if( header == null ) {
log.debug( "no server_port header found, assuming insecure connection" );
} else {
log.debug( "server_port header found, using it" );
secureMode = header.equals( "443" );
} else {
log.debug( "https header found, using it" );
secureMode = header.equals( "on" );
log.debug( "secure mode set to " + secureMode );