Development-SSL requests via https protocol

Version 19.1 by cat4ever on 2010/11/30 04:23
Warning: For security reasons, the document is displayed in restricted mode as it is not the current version. There may be differences and errors due to this.


Sooner or later you will need to develop WebObjects applications that work with SSL requests over https protocol. If ssl is configured on your deployment server, you can probably just change http to https in the app entry URL and the app will probably just work over https protocol. However if your application requires security, you cannot just depend on your users typing in a URL that begins with https. Also since SSL encryption adds more load to the webserver, you may want decide that just some pages need to be returned securely over https and the rest returned via plain old http. In any case, you may want to or need to set up your local OS X development machine to support https protocol so that you can properly test your application. Note also that setting up ssl for testing can be a far simpler task (and not really secure) than setting up real authentic SSL certificates for use in a production server.


These instructions were written and tested on the following, but should work on any 10.5.X config or later

  • OS X Leopard Client 10.5.4
  • Standard built-in apache2
  • If you like record and verify your OS config as follows:
    • $ openssl version
      • OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 2007
    • $ httpd \-v
      • Server version: Apache/2.2.8 (Unix)


Development via Apache Webserver

By default, WebObjects development installations typically run via DirectConnect. For https development, we must run thru the apache webserver built in to every OS X machine. So before going any further, configure your WebObjects development environment so that your development application launches and runs thru apache using the host name "localhost".

Configuring Apache for https://localhost

Make the private key and SSL certificate

Normally creating SSL certificates for production use is quite involved, however since we are just doing localhost development and testing, we can bypass all the mumbo-jumbo and create the minimal unpassworded private key and SSL certificate the easy way. Do not use this method for creating production server SSL certificates

Open terminal and follow the commands shown below in my transcript which is self-explanatory if you are familiar with Terminal...

Unknown macro: noformat. Click on this message for details.

Next run the one single openssl command that will make the two files we need in their final folder that we just created above.
Note you will be asked for a bunch of info for the certificate. Follow what I have done below. In particular, enter "localhost" in the Common Name field

Unknown macro: noformat. Click on this message for details.

Configure Apache2 to Use Your Development Certificates for localhost

Using your favorite command line editor, edit the apache config file at
making the changes shown in the following 2 screenshots:

Setting Apache server name to localhost


Including SSL Configuration file into main Apache config file


Next edit the ssl config file itself at
making the changes shown in the following sceenshot:

Setting up the SSL Config file


Restart apache

Unknown macro: noformat. Click on this message for details.



Right at this point I got the error:

ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Invalid arg

After a quick google search I found this which seems to have fixed the error:

Also, for my https://... links my rewrite rules in apache weren't getting fired.  To get them to work I had to add them to the httpd-ssl.conf file just below the General setup stuff shown in the figure above.  I just copied them from my httpd.conf file and pasted them in.  Not sure if this is the best way to handle it, but it's working for me on my development machine at least.


Finally, verify that https is working:

Verify https://localhost is working


Detecting SSL

Code for detecting whether SSL is active for the current request:
I'm told this won't work with IIS:

// Is this page being accessed securely?
boolean secureMode = false;
String header = context.request().headerForKey("https");
if( header == null ) {
 log.debug( "no https header, looking for server_port" );
 header = context.request().headerForKey( "server_port" );
 if( header == null ) {
   log.debug( "no server_port header found, assuming insecure connection" );
  } else {
   log.debug( "server_port header found, using it" );
   secureMode = header.equals( "443" );
} else {
 log.debug( "https header found, using it" );
 secureMode = header.equals( "on" );
log.debug( "secure mode set to " + secureMode );