EROpenID Framework

Last modified by Pascal Robert on 2012/07/19 21:11

Using EROpenID with Google Apps Federated login

Sample delegate for talking to Google Apps via Google's openID deferated login. Note Google does not support SRegRequest.

public class GoogleAppsDelegate extends EROpenIDManager.DefaultDelegate {

public List<MessageExtension> createFetchMessageExtensions(String userSuppliedString, WORequest request,
WOContext context) throws MessageException {
ArrayList<MessageExtension> exts = new ArrayList<MessageExtension>();
FetchRequest fetchRequest = FetchRequest.createFetchRequest();
fetchRequest.addAttribute("Email", "", true);
return exts;


Then override appendToResponse your standard login page with something like this:

public void appendToResponse(WOResponse r, WOContext c) {
// Assume client and realm exists.
if (client.doesOpenID()) {
String url = ((ERXWOContext) c).directActionURLForActionNamed(ERODirectAction.class.getName()
+ "/openIDRequest?" + "identity=" + client.openIdIdentity() + "&realm="
+ realm, null);
r.setHeader(url, "location");
} else {
super.appendToResponse(r, c);

Notes: the realm needs to be something static and explicit to your app. We use this:

WOApplication.application().webserverConnectURL().replaceFirst("http", "https")

client.openIDIdentity() should return something like this:

where openid is an XRDS document. comprehensive instructions on setting up the rest is here: