How to Selenium Test a D2W app
Version 27.1 by Ravi Mendis on 2009/07/30 03:50
How to Selenium Test a D2W app
- Add the WebObjects ERSelenium framework to your project build path Libraries.
- Create the folder(s) Selenium/actions in the project Resources directory.
- Place your Selenium tests in this folder
- Enable the ERSelenium test-runner by adding SeleniumTestsEnabled=true to the Properties file.
You will find an in depth explanation of creating Selenium tests for WebObjects here.
Running Selenium Tests
Launch your application in D2W development mode (i.e with er.extensions.ERXApplication.developmentMode = false).
Then click on Run Test link in your page menu:
Next you will see the test runner:
You may run the entire suite of Selenium tests or run them individually by clicking on the buttons marked by the oval.