How to Selenium Test a Diva app

Version 25.1 by Ravi Mendis on 2009/07/30 06:48

How to Selenium Test a Diva app

In a 100% ajax world it becomes more than necessary to maintain a set of tests for your application.
Here's how to get started with Selenium testing a Diva app.


  1. Add the WebObjects ERSelenium framework to your project build path Libraries.
  2. Create the folder(s) Selenium/actions in the project Resources directory.
  3. Place your Selenium tests in this folder
  4. Enable the ERSelenium test-runner by adding SeleniumTestsEnabled=true to the Properties file.

You will find an in depth explanation of creating Selenium tests for WebObjects here.


The semantically rich markup of [ERDivaLook|ERDivaLook] makes it *easy* to write *maintainable* Selenium tests

Running Selenium Tests

Launch your application in development mode (i.e with er.extensions.ERXApplication.developmentMode=true).
Then click on Run Test link in your page menu:


Next you will see the ERSelenium test runner:


You may run the entire suite of Selenium tests or run them individually by clicking on the buttons marked by the oval.