Embedding WOFrameworks
Caveat: This example assumes that each framework you want to embed has an ant build.xml file with a buildAndCompile target. For frameworks you create yourself using WOLips, you will have this, but for a case where you are checking out individual Wonder framework projects from CVS, then you probably will not have such a build.xml file, so this approach is not quick to implement in that case unless you want to spend a lot of time working on ant build files to resolve the missing build.xml having a buildAndCompile target for those external projects. (KK 3/30/2007)
See also FrameworkSet documentation.
Example for embedding WOFrameworks.
It's often a good idea to create your own targets in the build.xml or even create your own build.xml (with a different name). This leaves the door open for an update of the default build.xml.
Assume two projects: One named Foo( a framework) and the other named Uli (an application). The parent folder has another folder named packandgo.
The xml from the application. Two minor changes to the default build.xml:
1 application target
<!-- package and go example-->
<frameworks root="../packageandgo/frameworks" embed="true">
<include name="*.framework"/>
2 compile target
<!-- package and go example-->
<fileset dir="../packageandgo/frameworks">
<include name = "**/*.jar"/>
The xml from the packageandgo folder:
Just invoke ant in the packageandgo folder and grap the App from the applications folder within the packageandgo folder.