Last modified by Ray Kiddy on 2010/02/27 14:51

From version 116.1
edited by Johan Henselmans
on 2007/06/19 22:12
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 118.1
edited by Johan Henselmans
on 2007/06/19 22:48
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -WOLips-Eclipse beginner mistakes
1 +WOLips-Eclipse beginner mistakes and questions
... ... @@ -32,6 +32,18 @@
32 32  
33 33  http:~/~/ should be in your Eclipse update site, under Help->Software Update->Find and install->Search for new features to install
34 34  
35 +=== The fourth most common error ===
36 +
37 +==== I can not install the projects I built, the WOLips install does not work, strange things happen. (be admin) ====
38 +
39 +Allthough we all know that we should not run as admin, for installing Eclipse you'd better be. If you have installed Eclipse on one of the common places, or it has been installed for you, than the permission from the Eclipse folder will prevent you to install WOLips and other plugins. Make sure that, if you are installing plugins, You are allowed to do so.
40 +
41 +==== More admin problems ====
42 +
43 +If installing your frameworks does not work, than it might be that you are running as a plain user, not admin user. The WOLips ant install by default tries to install in /Library/Frameworks, and Apps in /Library/WebObjects/JavaApplications. As a plain user you should not have permission to write there.
44 +
45 +=== User questions ===
46 +
35 35  ==== Why don't I see all my files? ====
36 36  
37 37  Not all the files are presented, some are filtered away. In Package Explorer (In WOLips pespective, the upper left window), go to the right corner of that window, there is a caret. Under this caret, there is a Filter option.Click on it to see what get's filtered away.
... ... @@ -38,6 +38,10 @@
38 38  
39 39  [[image:filters.png]]
40 40  
53 +As you can see, quite a lot of files are excluded from the view.
54 +
55 +[[image:FilterProperties.png]]
56 +
41 41  ==== Where did all my code go? ====
42 42  
43 43  Suppose you suddenly ended up with something like this:
... ... @@ -92,6 +92,20 @@
92 92  
93 93  [[image:Launchsaving.png]]
94 94  
111 +==== I want to open EntityModeler in a new window, so it does not get in the way of WOLips ====
112 +
113 +There is a setting in the WOLips preferences, which will get your EOModel started in a separate EntityModelere window:
114 +
115 +[[image:OpenEntityModelerInNewWindowAnnot.png]]
116 +
117 +==== I see all that magic typing with code completion going on. How do you do that? ====
118 +
119 +The shortcut is CMD-space on the Mac, by default. It is also known as contextual assist.
120 +
121 +Actually, it is real magic. The trick is that it works in a contextual way. So the program knows what kind code can be expected where. For instance, if you are inside the bindings of a WOComponent, it will know which bindings are there. Just press CMD-Space, and you will get the possible endings.
122 +
123 +[[image:ContextualContentAssist.png]]
124 +
95 95  ==== Which shortcuts are available? ====
96 96  
97 97  I don't know. It depends on the plugins you are running. Fortunately, there is a shortcut to end all shortcuts: