Last modified by Stephen R. Smith on 2012/07/19 22:32
Getting Started
The easiest way to install WOLips is to follow the steps in the Install WOLips with Eclipse Update Manager tutorial. If this is your first time using WOLips, this is the recommended method for installing WOLips.
A suite of Eclipse plugins for WODevelopers
- Installing WOLips
- Building WOLips
- Contributing to WOLips
- WOLips-Eclipse beginner mistakes and questions and Useful Preferences
- WOLips Tutorials
- Usage for Windows
- Usage for Other *NIX
- EOGenerator Templates and Additions
- WOLips Project Templates
- Adding Scala Support to a Project
- Logos
WOBuilder Replacement
Section to discuss potential successor(s) for Apple's WOBuilder
- WO Builder Ideas Discussions and Ideas
- WO Builder Tasks Active Tasks and Projects