Changes for page WOLips-Eclipse beginner mistakes and questions
Last modified by Ray Kiddy on 2010/02/27 14:51
From version 103.1
edited by Johan Henselmans
on 2007/06/19 17:42
on 2007/06/19 17:42
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To version 102.1
edited by Johan Henselmans
on 2007/06/19 17:44
on 2007/06/19 17:44
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... ... @@ -60,10 +60,12 @@ 60 60 61 61 ==== Another app is running than I expected: ==== 62 62 63 - Normally youselect the projectinthe packageexplorer,goto to the contextualmenu (via rightclick), can alsogo to the Runmenu. Or totheRun icon.63 +Running an app works a bit different from running an app in XCode. 64 64 65 - Don't suppose you are running theappyouare running becauseyou selectedthe projectandpressedthe runbuttoninthetoolbar.Itwillunthe lastapplication youhave run,no matter what youhave selected in the package explorer.Youhaveto do a "runas", select yourprogramandthenyoumight get your app.65 +Normally you select the project in the Package Explorer, goto to the contextual menu (via right click), then click Run WOApplication. you can also go to the Run menu. Or to the Run icon. 66 66 67 +Don't suppose you are running the app you are running because you selected the project and pressed the run button in the toolbar. It will run the last application you have run, no matter what you have selected in the package explorer. You have to do a "run as", select your program and then you might get your app. 68 + 67 67 === I want to run my app with some other arguments. === 68 68 69 69 The way eclipse works, it saves a set of arguments in which your app has run. This set of arguments have some default settings, depending on which type of application you are running. You can save these arguments in your project, for later use.