
Last modified by Ted Petrosky on 2012/02/11 13:36


#Future Plans
#Download and Example Output
#Running from Ant
#Template Files
#Alternate Templates


EOModelDoc is a command line tool to generate HTML documentation of a set of EOModels. It is a replacement for EOReporter (which will not work on Leopard and newer releases of OS X). EOModelDoc was funded by the Apple iTunes Store and released to the community.

On the WOLips side, from version 3.3.x, Entity Modeler has a Documentation tab on all of the elements of a model that lets you record HTML documentation for your model, entities, attributes, etc. There is even an HTML preview. You can then run eomodeldoc to produce documentation much like javadoc for your model.

Future Plans

From Mike Schrag: There's not a nice build process for this one either, yet, because it includes all of the eclipse dependencies in the single jar. Eventually I'll make this nicer and include it actually inside of Eclipse. There are also modifications to the ERNeutralLook coming soon that will display popup help for you models based on the model documentation.

Download and Example Output

Download EOModelDoc jar

This is an example of the current state of eomodeldoc (the default templates are not done, but it will give you an idea of what it can do). The templates are all Velocity-based, and you can override them with custom versions. This was run in the BugTracker project folder. This model does not have documentation added to it with the new Entity Modeler yet, so it looks a little more bare than it would if it was documented properly. I'll probably document it just to have a full example to show.
View Example Output


The command line syntax of for EOModelDoc:

java -jar eomodeldoc.jar -output /path/to/output/folder [-model /path/to/model.eomodeld]* [-modelgroup /path/to/working/dir] [-templates /path/to/templates] [-entityURLTemplate "http://domain/path/to/JavaDocs/$entity.classNamePath.html


Usage / Function


Path to the directory where the output HTML files will be written.


Path to one model to generate documentation for. This parameter can be used multiple times, once for each model.


The path to an Eclipse or IDEA project. All models listed in the project will be documented. This defaults to the current working directory.


Path to the directory where the Velocity templates are stored. See the #Template Files section below for details on these templates. If this is not specified, the default templates inside the eomodeldoc.jar file will be used.


URL to the JavaDocs for the classes in the model. This is used to create links from the EOModel documentation to the JavaDoc documentation. The dots in the classpath are replaced with "/" when the path is generated.


Usage Examples

Document one model:

java -jar /path/to/eomodeldoc.jar -model /path/to/model.eomodeld -output /tmp/eomodeldoc

Document all models based on the Eclipse or IDEA project definition:

java -jar /path/to/eomodeldoc.jar -modelgroup /path/to/project -output /tmp/eomodeldoc

Document all models based on the Eclipse/IDEA project definition (when current working directory is the top level of the project):

java -jar /path/to/eomodeldoc.jar -output /tmp/eomodeldoc

Running from Ant

Note: do not put this jar on your classpath! Chaos and Other Bad Things may ensue.

There is no Ant task (yet) for EOModelDoc. You can run it with an java task following this pattern:

<java jar="/path/to/eomodeldoc.jar"
   <arg value="-output" />
   <arg value="/path/to/output/folder" />
   <arg value="-modelgroup" />
   <arg value="/path/to/working/dir" />
   <arg value="-templates" />
   <arg value="/path/to/templates" />
   <arg value="-entityURLTemplate" />
   <arg value="http://whatever?$${entity.classNamePath}.html" />

<java jar="/path/to/eomodeldoc.jar"
   <arg value="-output" />
   <arg value="/path/to/output/folder" />
   <arg value="-model" />
   <arg value="/path/to/modelA.eomodeld" />
   <arg value="-model" />
   <arg value="/path/to/modelB.eomodeld" />
   <arg value="-model" />
   <arg value="/path/to/modelC.eomodeld" />
   <arg value="-templates" />
   <arg value="/path/to/templates" />
   <arg value="-entityURLTemplate" />
   <arg value="http://whatever?$${entity.classNamePath}.html" />

If you include this in the build.xml file in the project, it can be as simple as:

<java jar="/path/to/eomodeldoc.jar"
   <arg value="-output" />
   <arg value="Documentation" />
   <arg value="-modelgroup" />
   <arg value="." />

Template Files

Default templates are included in the eomodeldoc.jar file. You can extract these templates to use as a basis for your own templates with this command:

unzip /path/to/eomodeldoc.jar *.vm -x "*/*"

See the EOGenerator template documentation documentation for information on customizing these templates. The -templates path only needs to point the the templates that you have changed. If any templates are not found on that path, the defaults from the jar are used.

The templates and their function are:

Template Name

Usage / Function


Left pane index of all models.


Left pane index of the contents of all models (e.g. list of entities and stored procedures).


Left pane index of the contents of one model (e.g. list of entities and stored procedures).


Main frame description of each model and contents of each model (e.g. list of entities and stored procedures).


Main frame contents of one model (list of entities and stored procedures).


Main frame contents for one Entity


Main frame contents for one stored procedure.


Top level index.html file defining frameset. You probably won't need to modify this.


Prototype JavaScript file so that the generated documentation can use Ajax whizziness. You probably won't need to modify this.


CSS file that controls what the generate output looks like.


JavaScript file that cleans up the display. You probably won't need to modify this.

Some pictures will illustrate this:




Alternate Templates

Have some interesting templates to share? Add them as attachements and link them here.

Template Mark I from Chuck


This is the default template with some useful (to me) changes:

  • individual properties can be toggled open and closed
  • non-class hidden by default
  • less blank vertical space
  • column name moved into details
