WebObjects is a an integrated suite of freely available Java frameworks and tools that helps a developer to develop scalable, sophisticated applications for the Internet on most computers with Java support.
It is the most mature platform available for enterprise level web server development, providing object oriented framework support for relational database object persistence (in any JDBC compliant database), Ajax, Web Services, streaming media, Java Client, Rapid Application Development, file upload/download and many other popular web technologies.
Originally developed by and for NeXT computers in the mid 1990's, it was ported by Apple to Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server under Objective C and then completely translated to Java. It is the technology on which Apple's own iTunes Music Store was developed.
It has a very active and helpful developer community with mailing list support at the WO Developer Mailing List.
- What is WebObjects?
- History
- Naming Conventions
The naming convention for objects in WebObjects is that names are written in what is now called "camel case".
The various prefixes are not hard to explain. The "NS" stands for "NextStep", the "EO" for "EnterpriseObject", the "WO" for WebObjects.
- Foundation
- Objective-C to Java Transition
- -Hands On__ Hello World - Your First WebObjects Application-
- Recent Changes
- WebObjects for Database Developers
As of WebObjects 5.3, the deployment of WebObjects built server applications is now permitted on any platform. The XCode license (within which WebObjects is included) reads:
D. WebObjects Software. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, you may use, install and permit others to access the WebObjects deployment software included with the Developer Software to deploy application programs developed using Apple's WebObjects Software. You may also reproduce and distribute: (1) over a network, components of the WebObjects deployment software for installation and use by others ("Java Client End Users") on any remote computer's volatile memory (e.g. RAM) to enable Java Client functionality for the sole purpose of communicating with Apple's WebObjects Software that may be installed and executed on the same Apple-labeled computer on which you have installed the Developer Software (the "Licensed System"); and (2) both manually and automatically over a network, components of the WebObjects deployment software for installation and use by Java Client End Users on any remote computer's non-volatile memory (e.g. ROM) to enable Java Client functionality for the sole purpose of communicating with Apple's WebObjects Software that may be installed and executed on the Licensed System; provided that all distributions to Java Client End Users are made under terms that are at least as restrictive as those set forth in this License and contain the disclaimers and limitations set forth in Sections 6 and 7 of this License. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, you may also deploy server applications built with the WebObjects Software on any platform.
Sections 6 and 7 are standard Apple license disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability clauses. Deployment to other platforms requires WebObjects software be built as Java servlet for deployment on a servlet compatible server such as Apache Tomcat.
Enterprise Object Framework (EOF)
Using EOF
- Overview
- Required Reading
- Advanced
- EOGenerator
- Logging
- EOF Performance Tuning
- Primary Keys
- Compound Primary Keys
- Concurrency
- Validation
- Database Adaptors and Plugins
- Undo and Redo
- EO's and Multiple Editing Contexts
- EOSharedEditingContext
- Raw Rows
- Batch Fetching
- Fetch Limits
- Bulk Operations
- Schema Changes
- Delegates and Notifications
- Multiple Stacks or Instances
- Custom Qualifiers
- Localization and Internationalization
- Default Values
- Custom EOAdaptor
- EOF Traces
- Problems
- Tips and Tricks
- Examples
- Help
Web Applications
- Overview
- Required Reading
- Apache
- WO Adaptor
- WO Application
- WO Session
- WO Component
- Component Actions
- Direct Actions
- Request-Response Loop
- Using EOF in a WOA
- Authentication and Security
- General Best Practices
- WOForm Best Practices
- WODisplayGroup
- Debugging Techniques
- Direct Connect
- Frameworks
- Ajax
- Sending Emails
- The Build Products
- Errors and Explanations
- Common Pitfalls and Troubleshooting
- Advanced
- Audit Trails
- Backtracking
- Concurrency
- Image Thumbnailing
- Database vs Filesystem (aka Images in the Database?)
- WOLongResponsePage
- Stateless Components
- Non-HTML WO's
- WOEvents and Logging
- PDF Generation
- Excel Generation
- Localization and Internationalization
- Testing and JUnit
- Custom Error Handling
- Custom Request Handlers
- Custom Templates
- Calling Commandline Applications
- High Performance WOA's and WO's
- Profiling WO Apps
- J2EE Integration
- WebObjects and Subversion
- Third Party Jars
- Generating Static Pages
- Cocoa EO Applications
- Custom Resource Manager
- Persistent Sessions
- How Forms Work
- Development on Windows
- Tips and Tricks
- Examples
- Overview
- Required Reading
- Advanced
- Platform Specifics
- Helpful Tools & Shellscripts
Web Services
- Overview
- Required Reading
- General Info
- Advanced
Complementary Frameworks
Project WONDER
- Overview
- Basic Concepts
- Reference
- Recently Deployed Sites
GVC Frameworks and GVC.SiteMaker
Development Tools
Case Studies
- iTunes Music Store
- .Mac
- Apple Store
- Original Dell Store
- Radar
- EverLearn
- WebObjects Showcase
- WebObjects Sites
Java Client
Database Compatibility / Comparisons
Alternative Technologies Pros / Cons
- ASP.NET + Monorail
- JSP and Taglibs
- Hibernate
- Core Data
- Cayenne
- Tapestry
- Ruby on Rails
- Struts
- WebWork
Additional Resources