Download Wonder Source, Build, Install and Upgrade
Version 183.1 by Kieran Kelleher on 2011/03/25 19:12
Instead of downloading the Wonder binaries, working from the latest source code directly can have some advantages such as:
- Learn very much about WebObjects and EOF (and java dev styles?)
- Easily browse and search the source
- Work with a specific svn version (teams, quality control, development cycles)
- Provide opportunities to submit patches for bug fixes or enhancements
- Add logging statements in Wonder source so you can better understand what is going when tracking down hard to find bugs
- Discover the many Hidden Treasures of Wonder
Source Frameworks Initial Installation
As of March 25th, 2011, Wonder is maintained on github. So git is what we use to get a local clone of the repository allowing us to directly use Wonder source.
Open a terminal and navigate to a directory where you want to maintain a source "working copy" and just use the following easy-peasy commands to clone Wonder source to your own hard-drive.
Cloning Project Wonder for the First Time
# Clone the source repository from github into a new directory named "WonderSource".
# Note the URL shown here is the public read-only URL. Committers should use the SSH form of the URL for read-write
git clone git:// WonderSource
# Navigate into the working copy root
cd WonderSource
# Build the frameworks from the source (Assumes you are using WebObjects 5.4.3,
# which is currently compatible with 'master' branch. See note below for WebObjects 5.3.3 compatible install)
ant frameworks
# Install the frameworks (this just copies the built frameworks from ~/Roots to
# the runtime Frameworks directory, usually at /Library/Frameworks)
sudo ant frameworks.install
Source Frameworks Upgrade Installation
Assuming you already cloned and installed Wonder from source using the method outlined above, you can use the following procedure pull the latest changes into your local repository.
Updating your Source
# Navigate to the Roots directory that was automatically created by the initial Source installation procedure above
cd ~/Roots/
# Delete all installed frameworks whose names match the built frameworks in this Roots build folder
for FRAMEWORK in `echo *.framework`; do sudo rm -r /Library/Frameworks/${FRAMEWORK}; done
# Navigate to the original Wonder source directory that you created above during initial source installation
cd /path/to/WonderSource
# Pull the changes you do not have and merge them with your local repository
git pull
# Clean, build and install the frameworks
ant clean; ant frameworks; sudo ant frameworks.install