Getting Started with BugTracker

Last modified by Pascal Robert on 2012/07/27 20:28

Getting Started with BugTracker

BugTracker is an example application that exposes a lot of Wonder functionalities. It is especially true if you want to have a look at DirectToWeb (D2W) since BugTracker have a lot of custom D2W rules.

You can listen to a good introduction to BugTracker by listening to the presentation made at WOWODC 2007.

To look at BugTracker, you will need to get the Wonder Source Code of Project Wonder. Once it's done and that you have imported the BugTracker project into Eclipse, you will see the following files:


To launch BugTracker, right-click BugTracker.launch and select Run As -> BugTracker. It will launch BugTracker with a in-memory database, which is perfect to explore the application.

You should see a login screen. Your default administrative user is "admin" with password "admin"

