Last modified by Pascal Robert on 2009/02/18 10:53

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Pascal Robert 4.1 1 You can do many things with Ant, one of them is the ability to use tools like //[[tar>>url:||shape="rect"]]//, //[[gzip>>url:||shape="rect"]]//, //[[FTP>>url:||shape="rect"]]// and //[[scp>>url:||shape="rect"]]// for remote deployment. At work, we use a shell script on our servers to deploy our apps, and we are using //rsync// to send the applications to the server before calling the shell script. Would be great to actually do this in one step ? It's quite easy!.
Pascal Robert 1.1 2
Pascal Robert 4.1 3 First, you need to install [[JSch>>url:||shape="rect"]]. We use the //jsch-0.1.29// release, we didn't try a later release. Copy the JAR into ///Developer/Java/Ant/lib/// (Mac OS X 10.4) or ///usr/share/ant/lib/// (Mac OS X 10.5).
Pascal Robert 1.1 4
Pascal Robert 4.1 5 Next, you need to add this JAR to the Ant lib list inside Eclipse. Open Eclipse's preferences (Eclipse->Preferences), open the //Tab// triangle and click on //Runtime//. Select //Ant Home Entries// and click on //Add External JARs...// Browse up to ///Developer/Java/Ant/lib/// and select //jsch-0.X.XX.jar//. The JAR should now be part of the list of JARs available for Ant.
Pascal Robert 1.1 6
7 {{warning}}
Pascal Robert 4.1 8 If you use multiple workspaces, you have to add the JAR to each of your workspaces to the //Ant Home Entries// list.
Pascal Robert 1.1 9 {{/warning}}
Pascal Robert 4.1 11 Ok, now it's time to actually create a Ant task for deployment. You can add a property like this to //
Pascal Robert 1.1 12
13 {{code}}
15 servers.production=my.server.address
17 {{/code}}
19 And you add this to your //build.xml// file.
21 {{code}}
23 <target depends="setProps,init.install,build.woapp" name="deployProduction">
24 <echo message="Starting file transfer to ${}@${servers.production}" />
25 <exec dir="." executable="rsync" os="Mac OS X" failonerror="true">
26 <arg value="-aog" />
27 <arg value="-e ssh" />
28 <arg value="${dest.dir}/${}.woa" />
29 <arg value="${}@${servers.production}:~" />
30 </exec>
31 <sshexec command="myshellscriptfordeployment -d ${}.woa" host="${servers.production}" keyfile="${user.home}/.ssh/id_rsa" passphrase="" username="${}"/>
32 </target>
34 {{/code}}
Pascal Robert 4.1 36 Wait a minute... Maybe //Ant// will complain because it can't send the password to the remote server. How to fix this ? By creating a SSH public key if you don't already have one.
Pascal Robert 1.1 37
38 First, check if you already have a public key on your computer:
40 {{code}}
42 $ ls -al ~/.ssh/
43 -rw-r--r-- 1 monuser monuser 230 Dec 5 2006 .ssh/
45 {{/code}}
Pascal Robert 4.1 47 No // file ? Create one:
Pascal Robert 1.1 48
49 {{code}}
51 $ ssh-keygen -t rsa
53 {{/code}}
55 Now copy your SSH public key to your remote server:
57 {{code}}
59 $ scp ~/.ssh/
61 {{/code}}
Pascal Robert 4.1 63 and put your public key in the //authorized_keys// file:
Pascal Robert 1.1 64
65 {{code}}
67 remoteserver$ cat ~/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
69 {{/code}}
Pascal Robert 4.1 71 Now, next time that you login by SSH from your computer to the server, it will stop asking for a password and the Ant task will stop complaining. For added security, when you create your key, use a passphrase. Don't forget to put the passphrase into the //sshexec// task. Don't use the passphrase if you put the //build.xml// file in CVS or SVN, because your co-workers will see your passphrase and also they won't be able to use the sshexec task unless they use the same passphrase as you.