Last modified by David Holt on 2012/09/24 17:47

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Lachlan Deck 1.1 1 When running a WO Application in WOLips the following steps currently need to be followed in order for WOLips to resolve components and resources on the classpath.
David Holt 11.1 3 1. Follow this tutorial [[doc:WOL.Run or Debug a WO Application.WebHome]]. Note, the application may fail to start.
Pascal Robert 9.1 4 1. Stop the application and open the run/debug configuration[[image:attach:OpenConfigurations.png]]
5 1. Switch to the classpath tab[[image:attach:ClasspathTab.png]]
6 1. Click on Advanced... selecting Folders[[image:attach:AdvancedOptions.png]]
7 1. Add your application and dependant framework's build/.../'Java' folders[[image:attach:FolderSelection.png]]
8 1. Your results will look something like this[[image:attach:ClasspathTabResult.png]]
Lachlan Deck 1.1 9
Lachlan Deck 7.1 10 {{tip title="Classpath Containers are more convenient"}}
11 You may find yourself doing the above often and it can become painful. Classpath containers become much more convenient...
Pascal Robert 9.1 13 1. Follow up to point 3 above
14 1. Click on Advanced... selecting Add Classpath Variables[[image:attach:Advanced_AddClasspathVariables.png]]
15 1. Click the Configure Variables... button, and for each folder you would have added above define a variable. I've called mine BUNDLE_SOMETHING[[image:attach:ClasspathVariablesDefined.png]]
16 1. Now you can select the ones you need for the app and click ok[[image:attach:ClasspathVariableSelection.png]]
17 1. You'll have something looking like this[[image:attach:ClasspathTabResult_usingClasspathVariables.png]]
Lachlan Deck 7.1 18 {{/tip}}
Lachlan Deck 1.1 20 Now you can apply changes and run/debug. You may from time to time need to use Project > Clean... when WOLips gets into a weird state.