
Last modified by Pascal Robert on 2010/09/13 00:31

Put the following in the superclass for your components:

   private String anchor;

  public void appendToResponse(WOResponse response, WOContext context) {

     if (anchor != null) {
        response.setHeader(context.componentActionURL() + "#" + anchor, "location");
        response.setHeader("text/html", "content-type");
        response.setHeader("0", "content-length");
        anchor = null;
      } else {
        super.appendToResponse(response, context);
    } // appendToResponse

   public String getAnchor() {
       return anchor;
   public void setAnchor(String s) {
       anchor = s;

In the component where we want to use an anchor you just put in

<a name="myanchor"></a>

 and something like the following in the code where we want to jump to this anchor:

protected WOComponent doSometingAndJumpToAnchor() {
    // do something :)
    return null;