Last modified by Pascal Robert on 2012/07/19 22:22

  • fijaz
    fijaz, 2012/01/14 06:00

    In my case, I observed this problem when I tried to place my framework in a folder which does not have the same name as the framework's name. E.g. I had a framework called "KlokDB" and I placed in a folder "KlokDB/trunk" or "KlokDB/trunk/KlokDB1", I got "ERXExtensions have not been initialized." exception. The moment I moved my framework to "KlokDB" or "KlokDB/trunk/KlokDB", it worked.

  • baiss
    baiss, 2013/03/14 12:00

    The most common problem seems to be:

    1) java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:com/webobjects/appserver/WOApplication

    but I don't see the problem discussed this way.

    2) Suggestion:  Add notes saying where LOCALROOT and WOROOT are defined, and what files need to be there, etc.

    • Pascal Robert
      Pascal Robert, 2013/03/16 12:38

      The best way to NOT have this issue is to embedded the frameworks into the application bundle.

  • baiss
    baiss, 2013/03/14 12:02

    The best way to start solving these problems is to launch the application from the command line.

    Navigate in terminal to the .woa folder and then type, 
