Project WONDER-Frameworks-Ajax-AjaxDroppable
Last modified by Pascal Robert on 2010/09/12 03:19
AjaxDroppable represents the second half of the drag-and-drop implementation in Ajax framework. AjaxDroppable also uses a WOComponentContent, so any content that you would like to appear in the drop target should be inside of the AjaxDroppable's webobject tags.
An example of the Scriptaculous drag-and-drop is available here.
Wonder Bindings
- id (required) - the ID of the Droppable element
- elementName - the name of the HTML element to wrap the Droppable, either: "div" or "span"
- droppedDraggableID - the draggableID of the Draggable that was dropped on this Droppable
- action - the action that is fired when the drop occurs
- droppedObject - the object that was dropped (if droppableObject was bound on the AjaxDraggable)
Scriptaculous Bindings
- accept
- containment
- hoverclass
- overlap
- greedy
- onHover
- onDrop