GVC Frameworks-Overview
The GVC Frameworks evolved from projects implemented by GVC [Global Village Consulting] for over 10 years. One of the most recent projects that use these frameworks is GVCSiteMaker, an Open Source CMS that allows non-technical users to create highly customized websites and web databases.
The following are some of the main frameworks included in this release:
• GVCEOFExtensions - Provides loads of Enterprise Objects Frameworks (EOF) additions and custom qualifiers.
• GVCEOFValidation - Provides enhancements to standard EOF validation, including code-free, customizable, localizable validation messages and more extensive validation.
• GVCFoundation - Contains Foundation extensions such as Boolean, Date, BigDecimal, String, NSArray.
• GVCEOPrototypes - Contains standard set of Enterprise Objects (EO) prototypes that can be used for multiple frameworks and WebObjects applications. It currently supports prototypes for DB2, FrontBase, JDBC, MySQL and Oracle databases.
• GVCGenericObjects - Contains classes designed for easy lookup, localization and archival of objects.
• GVCSecurity - Contains classes that provide security or different access rights for users or groups in a WebObject's application.
• GVCVirtualTables - Contains classes that provide a virtual representation of database tables which can be accessed via Key Value Coding (KVC).
• GVCKerberos - Contains a simple wrapper class around some of the functionality in the WedgeTail JSCI Kerberos classes. It implements a very simple Kerberos authentication of a user ID and password.
• GVCMail - Contains convenience classes for sending email messages and support for fault tolerant sending of bulk messages.
• GVCWOExtensions - Contains extensions to WOApplication, WOComponent, WODirectAction, WOSession and other AppServer classes.
• GVCJNDIAdditions - Extends the JNDI adaptor to support secure communication with an LDAP server. Transport Layer Security (TLS) provides a mechanism for ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of the transferred data.
The GVC Frameworks were developed in parallel with Project Wonder so you will find a lot of duplication in the extensions to Foundation, EOF, and WO areas. But there is a lot of unique stuff too and alternative implementations of things like localization. Eventually this might all get merged into Wonder, but that is a lot of effort and we are busy now.
Download from [SourceForge]- see File Releases.
Beta versions from http://www.gvcsitemaker.com/chill/gvc_frameworks