Changes for page Java Client-Overview
Last modified by David Avendasora on 2008/07/16 10:13
From version 2.1
edited by smmccraw
on 2007/07/08 10:31
on 2007/07/08 10:31
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There is no comment for this version
To version 4.1
edited by David Avendasora
on 2008/01/10 11:03
on 2008/01/10 11:03
Change comment:
Bringing JC Information up-to-date.
Page properties (3 modified, 0 added, 0 removed)
- Page properties
- Title
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 - Programming__WebObjects-Java Client-Overview1 +Java Client-Overview - Author
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki.s mmccraw1 +XWiki.avendasora - Content
... ... @@ -1,3 +1,17 @@ 1 - A three tiertypeof WebObjects project which utilizesaGUI written in Java with [[Interface Builder]]. Unfortunately,this typeof projectis barelysupportedby Appleandtherearevery few people using it - as a result,many of theranslations ofthegraphical interface from InterfaceBuilder intoJavaareless thanperfect.As you willdiscover if you ever work on a Java Client project, theseproblems makeitvery difficult to work with.1 +Historically there have been three methods of WebObjects Java Client development: 2 2 3 -= Pure Java Client vs. Direct to Java Client = 3 +1. Direct To Java Client (D2JC) 4 +1. Java Client using Interface Builder to create NIB files that define the UI 5 +1. Java Client using Swing 6 + 7 +The first two types used other files (XML/NIB files) to build the Swing code during run-time. This made for quick development times requiring very little Java code. D2JC was very flexible with the UI controlled almost entirely by text-based configuration files and major changes to the underlying .eomodel file could often-times be reflected in the UI with no refactoring at all. 8 + 9 +Unfortunately both of these first two methods suffered from poor on-going support and low usage. Both have since been depreciated. NIB-based development has been deprecated due to the deprecation of the tools required for development. D2JC has been deprecated as well, but no external tools are required to build or modify a D2JC application. 10 + 11 +Building a WebObjects Java Client application using pure Swing has **not** been deprecated and still exists in WO 5.4. 12 + 13 +While there are not a lot of WebObjects Java Client projects when compared to the quantity of Web-Based projects, it seems to be getting more attention now than it has in several years. 14 + 15 +There are a couple third-party developers working on solutions to streamline the development of pure Swing/SWT/etc Java Client applications for Web Objects. 16 + 17 +* Paolo Sommaruga's **JPBinding** [[]] which is a WebObjects framework that allows building WebObjects Java Client (not D2JC) without the use of Interface Builder and nib files. JPBinding uses a xml file to describe the bindings between the view objects (buttons, tables, text fields, etc) and the model objects (EODisplayGroup, EOAssociation, etc.).