Changes for page Java Client-Overview
Last modified by David Avendasora on 2008/07/16 10:13
From version 16.1
edited by David Avendasora
on 2008/07/16 10:13
on 2008/07/16 10:13
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To version 15.1
edited by David Avendasora
on 2008/01/14 11:03
on 2008/01/14 11:03
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... ... @@ -4,16 +4,14 @@ 4 4 5 5 1. Direct To Java Client (D2JC) 6 6 1. Java Client using Interface Builder to create NIB files that define the UI 7 -1. Java Client using pureSwing7 +1. Java Client using Swing 8 8 9 -The first two types used other files (XML/NIB files) to build the Swing code during run-time. This canmake for quick development times requiring very little Javaprogramming.9 +The first two types used other files (XML/NIB files) to build the Swing code during run-time. This made for quick development times requiring very little Java code. D2JC was very flexible with the UI controlled almost entirely by text-based configuration files (the same rules-system used by Direct to Web) and major changes to the underlying .eomodel file could often-times be reflected in the UI with no refactoring at all. 10 10 11 - D2JC is veryflexiblewith theUI generatedalmostentirelyatruntimebytext-basedconfigurationfiles(thesamerules-systemusedbyDirectto Web).Thisallowsthe developertogofrom Databaseor Modeltoa native-UIapplicationin just minutes. Majorchangestothenderlyingdatabase/EOModelcanoften-times be reflectedinthe UIwithlittle ornoJava programmingor refactoringatall.11 +Unfortunately both of these first two methods suffered from low usage and therefore little support was available within the community. Both have since been deprecated. NIB-based development was deprecated due to the deprecation of the tools required for development. D2JC has been deprecated as well, even though no external tools were required to build or modify a D2JC application. 12 12 13 - NIB-BaseddevelopmentusedProjectBuilder/Xcode'sInterfaceBuilderapplicationto create cocoa-based NIB files that weretheninterpreted atrun-time usingthe Cocoa-Java Bridge to create apure Swing application. NIB-baseddevelopmenthasbeen deprecated duetothedeprecation ofthe toolsrequired for developmentandthe Cocoa-Java Bridge.13 +The good news is that building a WebObjects Java Client application "The Third Way" using pure Swing has **not** been deprecated and still exists in WO 5.4. 14 14 15 -Swing-based Java Client Development has recently gotten much simpler with the release of Florijan Stamenkovic's [[javaBound (JBND) framework>>]] which greatly streamlines many key pieces of native-client application development. 16 - 17 17 While there are not a lot of WebObjects Java Client projects when compared to the quantity of Web-Based projects, it seems to be getting more attention now than it has in several years. 18 18 19 19 There are a couple third-party developers working on solutions to streamline the development of pure Swing/SWT/etc Java Client applications for Web Objects. See [[Complimentary Frameworks>>Java Client-Complimentary Frameworks]]