EOF-Using EOF-Deleting

Last modified by Pascal Robert on 2010/09/11 23:51

Deleting in EOF

Usually deleting is pretty easy:

Person person; //Assume is an EO that exists
EOEditingContext ec = person.editingContext(); //Always make sure you are using the correct editing context
ec.deleteObject(person); //Mark the EO for deletion
ec.saveChanges(); //Commit

A little more robust example:

Person person; /Assume is an EO that exists
EOEditingContext ec = person.editingContext();

try {
} catch (Exception e) {
 //something bad happened, the delete didn't occur
 //well don't just stand there, do something about it!
 ec.revert(); // clean up the mess

NOTE: These examples assume that correct EOEditingContext locking is occuring, ProjectWonder's ERXEC auto-locking is highly recommended.