EOF-Using EOF-Database Adaptors and Plugins

Last modified by Theodore Petrosky on 2013/05/03 09:11


These instructions are especially for those wanting to use PostgreSQL with primary keys of type serial.

(Valid as of 5th May 2005 for a Mac OS X development system with WO5.2.3 and PostgreSQL 7 or 8)

I don't think this is at all necessary in a new install today (5-1-2013) and the link below to hexdreams is not valid!

step two is correct though!!

Step 1

Obtain the following items from http://hexdreams.com/ placing their built products as suggested (but do check each item for bug fixes or notes)...

  • PostgresqlPlugIn.framework --> /Library/Frameworks
  • PostgresqlPlugInBundle.EOMPlugin --> /Developer/EOMBundles

Step 2

You should have the following Adaptor info set (in EOModeler) for your database after the above install:

  • Username: username
  • Password: password
  • URL: jdbc:postgresql://localhost/yourDb
  • Driver: org.postgresql.Driver
  • Plugin: PostgresqlPlugIn

Note: case sensitive.

Step 3

Link the PostgresqlPlugIn.framework into your project.


From: http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2003/09/26/webobjects.html?page=3

''In order to set up MySQL you will need to install it first. If you have not, I recommend using Aaron Faby's fantastic installer (http://www.serverlogistics.com). After installing MySQL you will need the correct JDBC driver, which can be downloaded from the MySQL website. (put it into /Library/Java/Extensions/)

From there, you will need to do the following, using the "Model:Switch Adaptor..." menu item:

  • Use the JDBC connector
  • Username: <my_database username>
  • Password: <my_database password>
  • URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost/<my_database>
  • Driver (optional): com.mysql.jdbc.Driver (Note: in old MySQL versions it was org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver)''
  • PlugIn (optional): leave blank

The MySQL plugin that ships with WebObjects 5.4.x won't work with ERXMigration. You should use the MySQLPlugIn that's part of Wonder so don't forget to include it!!

You will get also the benefits that the plugin handles automatically the LIMIT keyword in your requests when you set a NSRange or fetch limit in your ERXFetchSpecification.


The OpenBase installer should install the JDBC driver. In EOModeller set the URL to:


The Driver should be set to:


Plugin should be left blank.


The OpenBase installer should install the JDBC driver. In EOModeller set the URL to:


Driver and plugin should be left blank.



You will need the JDBC driver for SQL 2000 from Microsoft. A search for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 JDBC should give you the right link. You can untar the file and place the resulting .jar files in /Library/Java/Extensions.

In EOModeler use the following settings:

  • UserName: <db username>
  • Password: <db password>
  • URL: jdbc:sqlserver://<Servername>:1433;DatabaseName=<;DB name>
  • Driver: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver
  • PlugIn: MicrosoftPlugIn

If you neglect to specify the MicrosoftPlugIn it will let you connect to the database, but will show you tables that appear to be meta data instead of your actual data.


360works makes a PlugIn for FileMaker, which is now an open source project.