Last modified by Bastian Triller on 2012/08/24 19:38

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Pascal Robert 123.1 1 **[[Jenkins>>url:||shape="rect"]]** is an "extensible continuous integration server". It monitors repeated executions of jobs, such as building software projects, and can be used to build WebObjects applications and frameworks. Jenkins is an open source project and can be used at no cost. It is hosted on [[>>url:||shape="rect"]].
Pascal Robert 37.1 2
Pascal Robert 123.1 3 An introductory presentation on building WebObjects projects with Hudson (the predecessor to Jenkins) was given by Mike Schrag at WOWODC-West in 2009. You can also have a look at a [[recording from WOWODC 2009 East>>url:||shape="rect"]].
fcobia 100.1 4
David Avendasora 119.1 5 === Pre-requirements ===
7 Before you install Jenkins, you will need to install
9 * a Java SDK (a JRE won't work because of Ant)
Pascal Robert 123.1 10 * a Git client. Make sure that the 'git' command is in the regular PATH (in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin). If it's elsewhere, like /opt/local/bin/git or /usr/local/bin/git, make a symlink in /usr/bin (example: sudo ln -s /opt/local/bin/git /usr/bin/git).
David Avendasora 119.1 11 * a Subversion client if you are going to use Subversion
Pascal Robert 116.1 13 === Upgrading from Hudson ===
David Avendasora 64.1 14
Pascal Robert 123.1 15 Switching from Hudson to Jenkins is straight-forward since Hudson was the foundation that Jenkins was forked from. has a [[wiki entry>>url:||shape="rect"]] to help with the change.
David Avendasora 64.1 16
Pascal Robert 116.1 17 === Stand-Alone Mac OS X Setup ===
Mike Schrag 90.1 18
Pascal Robert 123.1 19 1. Download the Jenkins Binary Installer from the [[Jenkins Website>>url:||shape="rect"]].
20 The direct link to get the latest installer is: [[http:~~/~~/>>url:||shape="rect"]]. This will download a standard OS X Installer Package named {{code language="none"}}jenkins-n.nnn.pkg{{/code}}.
Pascal Robert 116.1 21 1. Run the installer
Pascal Robert 123.1 22 [[image:attach:JenkinsInstaller.png]]
Pascal Robert 116.1 23 1. Restart your computer
Pascal Robert 123.1 24 This is required because the current version of Jenkins does not create the its directory until it launches after you restart you computer.
25 1. Point your browser to: [[http:~~/~~/localhost:8080/>>url:http://localhost:8080/||shape="rect"]]
Bastian Triller 125.1 26 1. [[Start setting up jobs!>>doc:documentation.Home.Deployment.Using Jenkins Build Server with WebObjects Projects.Installing WebObjects and Wonder for Jenkins using WOJenkins.WebHome]]
David Avendasora 92.1 27
Pascal Robert 116.1 28 === Stand-Alone CentOS/RedHat/Amazon Linux ===
Pascal Robert 123.1 30 The easiest way to install Jenkins on a Fedora/RedHat/CentOS/Amazon Linux is by using [[Yum>>url:,_Modified||shape="rect"]]. The Jenkins project have a Yum repository and [[complete instructions>>url:||shape="rect"]] on how to add the repository + install Jenkins the first time. You can also manually install Jenkins from a RPM available on
Pascal Robert 116.1 31
32 Please note that on CentOS 5.x (I don't know for CentOS 6), the list of root certificates is old, and you will get error when trying to clone a Git repository coming from GitHub. To update the list of root certificates, do:
David Avendasora 92.1 34 {{code}}
Pascal Robert 116.1 36 sudo cp /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt.original
37 sudo curl -o /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
David Avendasora 92.1 38
39 {{/code}}
Pascal Robert 116.1 41 === Stand-Alone Ubuntu/Debian ===
David Avendasora 92.1 42
Pascal Robert 123.1 43 Follow [[the following instructions>>url:||shape="rect"]] to get Jenkins running on a Ubuntu or Debian system. If you didn't install a Sun JVM before installing Jenkins from their repository, it will install OpenJDK 1.6. [[Check the Ubuntu documentation>>url:||shape="rect"]] for details on how to install a JDK on Ubuntu.
Paul Hoadley 98.1 44
David Avendasora 119.1 45 === Post installation ===
47 After Jenkins is installed and running, go into Jenkins configuration and make sure that you install the "Multiple SCMs" and "Git plugin". If you are using another SCM like Mercurial or Perforce, install the plugins and the clients for your SCM.
Pascal Robert 116.1 49 === Using SSL ===
Paul Hoadley 98.1 50
Pascal Robert 123.1 51 Setting up SSL for Jenkins is surprisingly easy. The following is originally from the [[SSL Setup Options>>url:||shape="rect"]] page on
Paul Hoadley 98.1 52
Pascal Robert 123.1 53 1. Create a selfsigned test SSL certificate. 
54 keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore keystore.jks -storepass ToPSecRet321 -dname "cn=localhost"
55 1. Launch Jenkins.
56 1. {{noformat}}java -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=-1 --httpsPort=8080 --httpsKeyStore=keystore.jks --httpsKeyStorePassword=ToPSecRet321{{/noformat}}Launch browser 
57 Open "https:~/~/localhost:8080" in browser. You might get a browser warning, because the certificate is not signed by a known certificate authority. Communication is SSL-encrypted nevertheless.
Pascal Robert 116.1 58
59 {{note title="Please Note"}}
60 The port has changed from the original instructions. That was required on Mac OS X because of permissions. Also, it's worth noting that the keytool asks for a second password for the private key of the ssl certificate. We are using the same password as the keystore password and everything works. It is unclear if that makes a difference.
61 {{/note}}
Johan Henselmans 108.1 63 === Servlet Container Installation on Mac OS X (10.5, 10.6) ===
David Avendasora 92.1 64
Pascal Robert 123.1 65 1. Install Tomcat from [[http:~~/~~/>>url:||shape="rect"]] with the command
Bastian Triller 125.1 66 1. {{noformat}}sudo /opt/local/bin/port install tomcat6{{/noformat}}Create an administrative user in {{code language="none"}}/opt/local/share/java/tomcat6/conf/tomcat-users.xml{{/code}}. {{code 0="xml"}}<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
Pascal Robert 37.1 67 <tomcat-users>
68 <role rolename="manager"/>
69 <role rolename="admin"/>
70 <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="admin,manager"/>
Bastian Triller 125.1 71 </tomcat-users>{{/code}}
Pascal Robert 123.1 72 1. {{panel bgColor="#F7D6C1"}}Don't forget to change the username and password after you have finished checking out the build server and start using it in production.{{/panel}}Start Tomcat.
Bastian Triller 125.1 73 1. {{noformat}}sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.tomcat6.plist{{/noformat}}[[Download Jenkins>>url:||shape="rect"]], saving {{code language="none"}}jenkins.war{{/code}} somewhere for later.
Pascal Robert 123.1 74 1. Create a folder for Jenkins to work in: {{code language="none"}}/opt/local/var/db/jenkins{{/code}}
75 1. Change ownership of that folder: {{code language="none"}}chown _www:_www /opt/local/var/db/jenkins{{/code}}
76 1. Add the following to {{code language="none"}}/opt/local/share/java/tomcat6/conf/setenv.local{{/code}}:
Bastian Triller 125.1 77 1. {{noformat}}export JENKINS_HOME=/opt/local/var/db/jenkins
78 export JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true{{/noformat}}Install Jenkins in Tomcat: go to [[http:~~/~~/localhost:8080>>url:http://localhost:8080||shape="rect"]], login with the user and password that you have created in {{code language="none"}}tomcat-users.xml{{/code}}, and upload {{code language="none"}}jenkins.war{{/code}} to the Tomcat server.
Pascal Robert 123.1 79 1. Goto [[http:~~/~~/localhost:8080/jenkins>>url:http://localhost:8080/jenkins||shape="rect"]] and you can start configuring your Jenkins build server.
Johan Henselmans 82.1 80
Pascal Robert 123.1 81 === (% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %)**Servlet Container Installation on Mac OS X Server (10.6)**(%%) ===
Mike Schrag 90.1 82
Johan Henselmans 108.1 83 1. Tomcat is by default installed on Mac OS X Server.
Bastian Triller 125.1 84 1. Create an administrative user in {{code language="none"}}/Library/Tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml{{/code}}. {{code 0="xml"}}<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
Johan Henselmans 108.1 85 <tomcat-users>
86 <role rolename="manager"/>
87 <role rolename="admin"/>
88 <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="admin,manager"/>
Bastian Triller 125.1 89 </tomcat-users> {{/code}}
Pascal Robert 123.1 90 1. {{panel bgColor="#F7D6C1"}}(% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %)Don't forget to change the username and password after you have finished checking out the build server and start using it in production. {{/panel}}The way to start it depends on the version. The current way is to go to the Web Settings in Server Admin, Settings, General, check the Tomcat checkbox. Restart the WebServer.
91 1. [[Download Jenkins>>url:||shape="rect"]], saving {{code language="none"}}jenkins.war{{/code}} somewhere for later.
92 1. Create a folder for Jenkins to work in: {{code language="none"}}/Library/Jenkins{{/code}}
93 1. Change ownership of that folder: {{code language="none"}}chown _appserver:sys /Library/Jenkins{{/code}}
94 1. Add the following to {{code language="none"}}/Library/Tomcat/bin/{{/code}}:
Bastian Triller 125.1 95 1. {{code}}export JENKINS_HOME=/Library/Jenkins
96 export JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true{{/code}}Make sure that you are using UTF-8 in the Connector, by adding {{code language="none"}}URIEncoding="UTF-8"{{/code}} to the Connector in {{code language="none"}}/Library/tomcat/conf/server.xml{{/code}} as shown here:
97 1. {{code 0="xml"}}<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
Pascal Robert 116.1 98 connectionTimeout="20000"
Bastian Triller 125.1 99 redirectPort="8443" URIEncoding="UTF-8"/>{{/code}}Install Jenkins in Tomcat: go to [[http:~~/~~/localhost:8080>>url:http://localhost:8080||shape="rect"]], login with the user and password that you have created in tomcat-users.xml, and upload jenkins.war to the Tomcat server.
Pascal Robert 123.1 100 1. Goto [[http:~~/~~/localhost:8080/jenkins>>url:http://localhost:8080/jenkins||shape="rect"]] and you can start configuring your Jenkins build server.
Johan Henselmans 114.1 101
Pascal Robert 116.1 102 == Building WO Apps ==
Johan Henselmans 114.1 103
Pascal Robert 123.1 104 * Check out[[]]
Johan Henselmans 114.1 105
Pascal Robert 116.1 106 == Jenkins plugins ==
Johan Henselmans 114.1 107
Pascal Robert 123.1 108 After Jenkins is installed and started, you will need to install at the very minimum two plugins: [[Multiple SCMs>>url:||shape="rect"]] and [[Git>>url:||shape="rect"]]. They are required if you need to build projects by using the WOJenkins templates. If your projects are under another SCM like Subversion or CVS, you also need to install Jenkins for it.
Johan Henselmans 114.1 109
Pascal Robert 117.1 110 {{info}}
Pascal Robert 123.1 111 Don't forget to set **Global Config Value** and **Global Config Value** in the Jenkins settings, or else doing a Git clone will return an error.
Pascal Robert 117.1 112 {{/info}}
Pascal Robert 116.1 114 == Building projects ==
Johan Henselmans 114.1 115
Bastian Triller 125.1 116 See [[doc:documentation.Home.Deployment.Using Jenkins Build Server with WebObjects Projects.Installing WebObjects and Wonder for Jenkins using WOJenkins.WebHome]]