Changes for page Installing and Configuring Jenkins
Last modified by Bastian Triller on 2012/08/24 19:38
From version 76.1
edited by Ramsey Gurley
on 2011/04/24 16:30
on 2011/04/24 16:30
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To version 82.1
edited by Johan Henselmans
on 2009/06/10 10:22
on 2009/06/10 10:22
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. ramsey1 +XWiki.johanhenselmans - Content
... ... @@ -1,114 +1,28 @@ 1 - [[Hudson>>]]is an"extensible continuousintegrationserver".Itmonitorsrepeatedexecutionsofjobs, suchasbuildingsoftware projects, and canbe usedtobuild WebObjectsapplications and frameworks. Hudson isan open source project, andcanbe usedat nocost. Anintroductory presentation on buildingWebObjects projects with Hudson was given by Mike Schrag at WOWODC-Westin2009, andthe videocan be [[purchased from>>]].1 +Hudson is a build server that takes the chore of the building and can do it automatically, based on all kinds of variables. 2 2 3 - ==SettingupHudson==3 +The complete introduction has been show on wowodc-west in 2009. 4 4 5 - Thereare a couple differentways to runHudson.The easiest is to run it as a standalone application.5 +=== Installing Hudson === 6 6 7 - ===StandaloneInstallation===7 +To get Hudson running, the easiest way is to start running tomcat on a server. 8 8 9 -{{info}} 10 -These instructions are based on David Avendasora's setup. You may have different preferences as to where to install Hudson at or where to set its home directory to. 11 -{{/info}} 9 +* Install Tomcat from [[]] with the command 12 12 13 -1. Create a ##/Developer/Hudson/Home## directory. 14 -1. [[Download Hudson>>]], saving ##hudson.war## file to ##/Developer/Hudson##. 15 -1. Launch Hudson with the following command in 11 +{{color value="green"}} 16 16 17 -{{code}} 18 - 19 -java -DHUDSON_HOME=/Developer/Hudson/Home -jar /Developer/Hudson/hudson.war 20 - 21 -{{/code}} 22 - 23 -{{info}} 24 - 25 -Hudson uses a built-in servlet container in stand-alone mode. If you have Tomcat running on the computer already, you should use the {{\-}}{{{}{-}httpPort{-}}} and {{\-ajp13Port}} options to change which ports Hudson uses. 26 -{code} 27 -java -DHUDSON_HOME=/Developer/Hudson/Home -jar /Developer/Hudson/hudson.war -httpPort=9080 --ajp13Port=9009 28 -{code} 29 - 30 -{{/info}} 31 - 32 -1. Point your browser to: [[http://localhost:8080/]] 33 -1. Start setting up jobs 34 - 35 -=== Standalone Jenkins w/SSL === 36 - 37 -Setting up SSL for Jenkins is surprisingly easy. I found basic instructions here at [[SSL Setup Options>>]]. I'll repeat them here for posterity. 38 - 39 -1. Create a selfsigned test SSL certificate. 40 -keytool genkey keyalg RSA alias selfsigned keystore keystore.jks -storepass ToPSecRet321 dname "cn=localhost" 41 -1. Launch Hudson. 42 - 43 -{{noformat}} 44 -java -jar hudson.war --httpPort=-1 --httpsPort=8080 --httpsKeyStore=keystore.jks --httpsKeyStorePassword=ToPSecRet321 45 -{{/noformat}} 46 - 47 -1. Launch browser 48 -Open "https:~/~/localhost:8080" in browser. You might get a browser warning, because the certificate is not signed by a known certificate authority. Communication is SSL-encrypted nevertheless. 49 - 50 -Those with sharp eyes will notice the port has changed from the original instructions. That was required on Mac OS X because of permissions. Also, it's worth noting that the keytool asks for a second password for the private key of the ssl certificate. I used the same password as the keystore password and everything works. I'm not sure if that makes a difference. 51 - 52 -=== Standalone Jenkins and launchd on Mac OS X === 53 - 54 -In my case I created the jenkins user and JENKINS//HOME using dscl. ([[Using dscl to Create New Users and Groups>>]]) To make jenkins launch when the machine boots up and relaunch if it dies, I created a launch daemon. Doing that requires a plist in the correct folder. Then either reboot, or launch the daemon with launchctl on the command line.// 55 - 56 -Make sure your permissions and user:group are set correctly on the plist (-rw-r{-}{-}r- root:wheel). In /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.jenkins.plist I placed: 57 - 58 -{{code value="xml"}} 59 - 60 -<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 61 -<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> 62 -<plist version="1.0"> 63 -<dict> 64 - <key>UserName</key> 65 - <string>jenkins</string> 66 - <key>Label</key> 67 - <string>org.jenkins-ci.jenkins</string> 68 - <key>EnvironmentVariables</key> 69 - <dict> 70 - <key>JENKINS_HOME</key> 71 - <string>/usr/local/jenkins/.jenkins</string> 72 - </dict> 73 - <key>ProgramArguments</key> 74 - <array> 75 - <string>/usr/bin/java</string> 76 - <string>-jar</string> 77 - <string>/usr/local/jenkins/jenkins.war</string> 78 - <string>--httpPort=-1</string> 79 - <string>--httpsPort=8080</string> 80 - <string>--httpsKeyStore=/usr/local/jenkins/keystore.jks</string> 81 - <string>--httpsKeyStorePassword=Jenkins123</string> 82 - </array> 83 - <key>StandardOutPath</key> 84 - <string>/usr/local/jenkins/.jenkins/log/out.txt</string> 85 - <key>StandardErrorPath</key> 86 - <string>/usr/local/jenkins/.jenkins/log/err.txt</string> 87 - <key>Disabled</key> 88 - <false/> 89 - <key>KeepAlive</key> 90 - <true/> 91 - <key>RunAtLoad</key> 92 - <true/> 93 -</dict> 94 -</plist> 95 - 96 -{{/code}} 97 - 98 -=== Servlet Container Installation on Mac OS X (10.5, 10.6) === 99 - 100 -1. Install Tomcat from [[]] with the command 101 - 102 -{{noformat}} 103 - 13 +========================================== 104 104 sudo /opt/local/bin/port install tomcat6 15 +==================================== 105 105 106 -{{/ noformat}}17 +{{/color}} 107 107 108 - 1.Create an administrative user in##/opt/local/share/java/tomcat6/conf/tomcat-users.xml##.19 +* Create an administrative user in /opt/local/share/java/tomcat6/conf/tomcat-users.xml (20 mins to find out where the user should be and how not to restart tomcat) 109 109 110 - {{codevalue="xml"}}21 +something along the line of: 111 111 23 +{{color value="green"}} 24 + 25 +======================== 112 112 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> 113 113 <tomcat-users> 114 114 <role rolename="manager"/> ... ... @@ -115,95 +115,43 @@ 115 115 <role rolename="admin"/> 116 116 <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="admin,manager"/> 117 117 </tomcat-users> 32 +======================== 33 +{green} 118 118 119 -{{/code}} 120 120 121 -{{ panel bgColor="#F7D6C1"}}36 +{{/color}} 122 122 123 - Don't forget to changethe usernameand passwordafter youhave finishedcheckingoutthebuildserver and start usingit in production.38 +(remember this is testing) 124 124 125 -{{ /panel}}40 +{{color}} 126 126 127 -1. Start Tomcat. 128 128 129 - {{noformat}}43 +* Start tomcat 130 130 45 +[color:green} 46 +======================== 131 131 sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macports.tomcat6.plist 48 +======================== 132 132 133 -{{/ noformat}}50 +{{/color}} 134 134 135 -1. [[Download Hudson>>]], saving ##hudson.war## somewhere for later. 136 -1. Create a folder for Hudson to work in: ##/opt/local/var/db/hudson## 137 -1. Change ownership of that folder: ##chown www:_www /opt/local/var/db/hudson## 138 -1. Add the following to ##/opt/local/share/java/tomcat6/conf/setenv.local##: 52 +* download Hudson from, take care that you use the contextual menu to download the link hudson war file 139 139 140 - {{noformat}}54 +* create a folder /opt/local/var/db/hudson (this will be the place where hudson will store it's stuff 141 141 142 -export HUDSON_HOME=/opt/local/var/db/hudson 143 -export JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true 56 +* change ownership of that folder with ownership //www:_www// 144 144 145 - {{/noformat}}58 +* add to /opt/local/share/java/tomcat6/conf/setenv.local: 146 146 147 -1. Install Hudson in Tomcat: go to [[http://localhost:8080]], login with the user and password that you have created in ##tomcat-users.xml##, and upload ##hudson.war## to the Tomcat server. 148 -1. Goto [[http://localhost:8080/hudson]] and you can start configuring your Hudson build server. 60 +{{color value="green"}} 149 149 150 -=== {{color value="#000000"}}{*}Servlet Container Installation on Mac OS X Server (10.6)*{{/color}} === 151 - 152 -1. Tomcat is by default installed on Mac OS X Server. 153 -1. Create an administrative user in ##/Library/Tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml##. 154 - 155 -{{code value="xml"}} 156 - 157 -<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> 158 -<tomcat-users> 159 - <role rolename="manager"/> 160 - <role rolename="admin"/> 161 - <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="admin,manager"/> 162 -</tomcat-users> 163 - 164 -{{/code}} 165 - 166 -{{panel bgColor="#F7D6C1"}} 167 - 168 -{color:#000000}Don't forget to change the username and password after you have finished checking out the build server and start using it in production. {color} 169 - 170 -{{/panel}} 171 - 172 -1. The way to start it depends on the version. The current way is to go to the Web Settings in Server Admin, Settings, General, check the Tomcat checkbox. Restart the WebServer. 173 -1. {{color value="#003366"}}[{{/color}}{{color value="#003366"}}Download Hudson{{/color}}http:~/~/, saving ##hudson.war## somewhere for later. 174 -1. Create a folder for Hudson to work in: ##/Library/hudson## 175 -1. Change ownership of that folder: ##chown appserver:sys /Library/Hudson## 176 -1. Add the following to ##/Library/Tomcat/bin/ 177 - 178 -{{noformat}} 179 - 180 -export HUDSON_HOME=/Library/Hudson 62 +======================== 63 +export HUDSON_HOME=/opt/local/var/db/hudson 181 181 export JAVA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true 65 +======================== 182 182 183 -{{/ noformat}}67 +{{/color}} 184 184 185 - 1.Makesure that you areusingUTF8 intheConnector,byadding69 +* install Hudson in Tomcat: goto localhost:8080, login with the user and password that you have created in the tomcat-users.xml, and upload hudson.war to the tomcat server. 186 186 187 -{{noformat}} 188 - 189 -URIEncoding="UTF-8" 190 - 191 -{{/noformat}} 192 - 193 -to the Connector in /Library/tomcat/conf/server.xml in such a way: 194 - 195 -{{noformat}} 196 - 197 - <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" 198 - connectionTimeout="20000" 199 - redirectPort="8443" URIEncoding="UTF-8"/> 200 - 201 -{{/noformat}} 202 - 203 -1. Install Hudson in Tomcat: go to [[http://localhost:8080]], login with the user and password that you have created in tomcat-users.xml, and upload hudson.war to the Tomcat server. 204 - 205 -1. Goto [[http://localhost:8080/hudson]] and you can start configuring your Hudson build server. 206 - 207 -== Building WO Apps == 208 - 209 -* Check out [[^]] 71 +Next