Changes for page Installing and Configuring Jenkins
Last modified by Bastian Triller on 2012/08/24 19:38
From version 74.1
edited by Ramsey Gurley
on 2011/04/24 16:24
on 2011/04/24 16:24
Change comment:
applied noformat to command line because -- was doing bad things
To version 73.1
edited by Ramsey Gurley
on 2011/04/24 16:18
on 2011/04/24 16:18
Change comment:
Removed duplicate line in program args
Page properties (1 modified, 0 added, 0 removed)
- Page properties
- Content
... ... @@ -39,11 +39,7 @@ 39 39 1. Create a selfsigned test SSL certificate. 40 40 keytool genkey keyalg RSA alias selfsigned keystore keystore.jks -storepass ToPSecRet321 dname "cn=localhost" 41 41 1. Launch Hudson. 42 - 43 -{{noformat}} 44 -java -jar hudson.war --httpPort=-1 --httpsPort=8080 --httpsKeyStore=keystore.jks --httpsKeyStorePassword=ToPSecRet321 45 -{{/noformat}} 46 - 42 +java jar hudson.war -httpPort=-1 -httpsPort=8080 ~-~-httpsKeyStore=keystore.jks -httpsKeyStorePassword=ToPSecRet321 47 47 1. Launch browser 48 48 Open "https:~/~/localhost:8080" in browser. You might get a browser warning, because the certificate is not signed by a known certificate authority. Communication is SSL-encrypted nevertheless. 49 49 ... ... @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ 53 53 54 54 In my case I created the jenkins user and JENKINS//HOME using dscl. ([[Using dscl to Create New Users and Groups>>]]) To make jenkins launch when the machine boots up and relaunch if it dies, I created a launch daemon. Doing that requires a plist in the correct folder. Then either reboot, or launch the daemon with launchd on the command line.// 55 55 56 -Make sure your permissions and user:group are set correctly on the plist (-rw-r {-}{-}r- root:wheel). In /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.jenkins.plist I placed:52 +Make sure your permissions and user:group are set correctly on the plist (-rw-r~-~-r- root:wheel). In /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.jenkins.plist I placed: 57 57 58 58 {{code value="xml"}} 59 59