Changes for page Installing and Configuring Jenkins
Last modified by Bastian Triller on 2012/08/24 19:38
From version 61.1
edited by David Avendasora
on 2011/07/03 22:00
on 2011/07/03 22:00
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To version 68.1
edited by Ramsey Gurley
on 2011/04/23 15:11
on 2011/04/23 15:11
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -Installing and Using JenkinsandHudsonBuildServers1 +Installing and Using the Hudson build server - Author
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. avendasora1 +XWiki.ramsey - Content
... ... @@ -1,32 +1,97 @@ 1 -[[ Jenkins>>]] is an "extensible continuous integration server". It monitors repeated executions of jobs, such as building software projects, and can be used to build WebObjects applications and frameworks. Hudson is an open source project, and can be used at no cost. An introductory presentation on building WebObjects projects with Hudson was given by Mike Schrag at WOWODC-West in 2009, and the video can be [[purchased from>>]].1 +[[Hudson>>]] is an "extensible continuous integration server". It monitors repeated executions of jobs, such as building software projects, and can be used to build WebObjects applications and frameworks. Hudson is an open source project, and can be used at no cost. An introductory presentation on building WebObjects projects with Hudson was given by Mike Schrag at WOWODC-West in 2009, and the video can be [[purchased from>>]]. 2 2 3 -== =Stand-AloneMac OS X Setup ===3 +== Setting up Hudson == 4 4 5 -1. Download the Jenkins Binary Installer from the [[Jenkins Website>>]]. 6 -1. Restart your computer 7 -This is required because the current version of Jenkins does not create the its directory until it launches after you restart you computer. 8 -1. Point your browser to: [[http://localhost:8080/]] 9 -1. Start setting up jobs (Instructions from WOWODC2011 Coming Soon!) 5 +There are a couple different ways to run Hudson. The easiest is to run it as a standalone application. 10 10 11 -=== UsingSSL===7 +=== Standalone Installation === 12 12 13 -Setting up SSL for Jenkins is surprisingly easy. The following is originally from the [[SSL Setup Options>>]] page on 9 +{{info}} 10 +These instructions are based on David Avendasora's setup. You may have different preferences as to where to install Hudson at or where to set its home directory to. 11 +{{/info}} 14 14 13 +1. Create a ##/Developer/Hudson/Home## directory. 14 +1. [[Download Hudson>>]], saving ##hudson.war## file to ##/Developer/Hudson##. 15 +1. Launch Hudson with the following command in 16 + 17 +{{code}} 18 + 19 +java -DHUDSON_HOME=/Developer/Hudson/Home -jar /Developer/Hudson/hudson.war 20 + 21 +{{/code}} 22 + 23 +{{info}} 24 + 25 +Hudson uses a built-in servlet container in stand-alone mode. If you have Tomcat running on the computer already, you should use the {{\-}}{{{}{-}httpPort{-}}} and {{\-ajp13Port}} options to change which ports Hudson uses. 26 +{code} 27 +java -DHUDSON_HOME=/Developer/Hudson/Home -jar /Developer/Hudson/hudson.war -httpPort=9080 --ajp13Port=9009 28 +{code} 29 + 30 +{{/info}} 31 + 32 +1. Point your browser to: [[http://localhost:8080/]] 33 +1. Start setting up jobs 34 + 35 +=== Standalone Jenkins w/SSL === 36 + 37 +Setting up SSL for Jenkins is surprisingly easy. I found basic instructions here at [[SSL Setup Options>>]]. I'll repeat them here for posterity. 38 + 15 15 1. Create a selfsigned test SSL certificate. 16 16 keytool genkey keyalg RSA alias selfsigned keystore keystore.jks -storepass ToPSecRet321 dname "cn=localhost" 17 17 1. Launch Hudson. 18 - 19 -{{noformat}} 20 -java -jar hudson.war --httpPort=-1 --httpsPort=8080 --httpsKeyStore=keystore.jks --httpsKeyStorePassword=ToPSecRet321 21 -{{/noformat}} 22 - 42 +java jar hudson.war -httpPort=-1 -httpsPort=8080 ~-~-httpsKeyStore=keystore.jks -httpsKeyStorePassword=ToPSecRet321 23 23 1. Launch browser 24 24 Open "https:~/~/localhost:8080" in browser. You might get a browser warning, because the certificate is not signed by a known certificate authority. Communication is SSL-encrypted nevertheless. 25 25 26 -{{note title="Please Note"}} 27 -The port has changed from the original instructions. That was required on Mac OS X because of permissions. Also, it's worth noting that the keytool asks for a second password for the private key of the ssl certificate. We are using the same password as the keystore password and everything works. It is unclear if that makes a difference. 28 -{{/note}} 46 +Those with sharp eyes will notice the port has changed from the original instructions. That was required on Mac OS X because of permissions. Also, it's worth noting that the keytool asks for a second password for the private key of the ssl certificate. I used the same password as the keystore password and everything works. I'm not sure if that makes a difference. 29 29 48 +=== Standalone Jenkins and launchd on Mac OS X === 49 + 50 +In my case I created the jenkins user and JENKINS//HOME using dscl. ([[Using dscl to Create New Users and Groups>>]]) To make jenkins launch when the machine boots up and relaunch if it dies, I created a launch daemon. Doing that requires a plist in the correct folder. Then either reboot, or launch the daemon with launchd on the command line.// 51 + 52 +Make sure your permissions and user:group are set correctly on the plist (-rw-r~-~-r- root:wheel). In /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.jenkins.plist I placed: 53 + 54 +{{code value="xml"}} 55 + 56 +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 57 +<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> 58 +<plist version="1.0"> 59 +<dict> 60 + <key>UserName</key> 61 + <string>jenkins</string> 62 + <key>Label</key> 63 + <string>org.jenkins-ci.jenkins</string> 64 + <key>EnvironmentVariables</key> 65 + <dict> 66 + <key>JENKINS_HOME</key> 67 + <string>/usr/local/jenkins/.jenkins</string> 68 + </dict> 69 + <key>ProgramArguments</key> 70 + <array> 71 + <string>/usr/bin/java</string> 72 + <string>-jar</string> 73 + <string>/usr/local/jenkins/jenkins.war</string> 74 + <string>--httpPort=-1</string> 75 + <string>--httpsPort=8080</string> 76 + <string>--httpsKeyStore=/usr/local/jenkins/keystore.jks</string> 77 + <string>--httpsKeyStorePassword=Jenkins123</string> 78 + <string>--httpsKeyStorePassword=Jenkins123</string> 79 + </array> 80 + <key>StandardOutPath</key> 81 + <string>/usr/local/jenkins/.jenkins/log/out.txt</string> 82 + <key>StandardErrorPath</key> 83 + <string>/usr/local/jenkins/.jenkins/log/err.txt</string> 84 + <key>Disabled</key> 85 + <false/> 86 + <key>KeepAlive</key> 87 + <true/> 88 + <key>RunAtLoad</key> 89 + <true/> 90 +</dict> 91 +</plist> 92 + 93 +{{/code}} 94 + 30 30 === Servlet Container Installation on Mac OS X (10.5, 10.6) === 31 31 32 32 1. Install Tomcat from [[]] with the command ... ... @@ -138,4 +138,4 @@ 138 138 139 139 == Building WO Apps == 140 140 141 -* Check out [[ Installing and Using Jenkins and Hudson Build Servers^]]206 +* Check out [[^]]