Split Deployments
When deploying WebObjects applications, a split install allows you to separate the static resources which can be served automatically by the web server from the WebObjects application itself.
A split install can be difficult to configure if you have embedded frameworks or if you have multiple versions of the same application (for instance production and development) on the same machine. As of this writing, I don't know the correct way to handle resources in embedded frameworks.
The basic steps for doing a split install are:
1. Add the wsDestDir attribute to the woapplication task in your build.xml file. See WOApplication Task Manual for more information. This will automatically build with split resources when you Ant build.xml.
2. Add an appropriate value for the frameworksBaseURL to the woapplication task in your build.xml file. This facilitates embedded frameworks.
3. During deployment, you will (typically) copy your .woa file to /Library/WebObjects/Applications and your split resources to /Library/WebServer/Documents/WebObjects.
Here are some useful links for figuring out how to do a split install:
Split Install Deployment in Tutorials
WebObjects Deployment Guide from Apple