Wiki source code of Deploying on Windows

Last modified by Pascal Robert on 2012/02/11 08:43

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Pascal Robert 49.1 1 {{toc/}}
David Avendasora 16.1 2
3 = What you need =
Pascal Robert 48.1 5 * Windows 2003 Server; WIndows 2008 R2 (64 or 32 bit); Windows XP Professional
David Avendasora 16.1 6 * Apache 2.2
Pascal Robert 48.1 7 * Java 1.5 or later
8 * a Mac with WebObjects 5.3 or 5.4 installed
David Avendasora 16.1 9
10 = Install Java and Apache =
Pascal Robert 49.1 12 * Download and install [[Java J2SE 5.0>>url:||shape="rect"]]
13 * {{note title="Java Version"}}You must install the multilingual option.{{/note}}Download and install [[apache 2.2>>url:||shape="rect"]]
David Avendasora 16.1 14
Pascal Robert 48.1 15 {{note title="Installation Path"}}
16 You cannot have any spaces in the installation path otherwise mod_webobjects won't work properly.
17 {{/note}}
David Avendasora 16.1 19 = Copy WebObjects files from your Mac =
21 In this description WebObjects will be installed on drive C: and apache is located under c:/apache.
23 Create the following directory tree under Windows
25 {{code}}
27 C:/Apple
28 Library
29 Frameworks
30 WebObjects
31 Configuration
32 JavaApplications
33 Local
34 Library
35 Frameworks
36 WebObjects
37 Applications
38 Configuration
39 Extensions
41 {{/code}}
43 Copy the listed Frameworks from /System/Library/Frameworks to C:/Apple/Frameworks:
45 {{code}}
46 JavaDirectToWeb.framework
47 JavaDTWGeneration.framework
48 JavaEmbedding.framework
49 JavaEOAccess.framework
50 JavaEOApplication.framework
51 JavaEOControl.framework
52 JavaEODistribution.framework
53 JavaEOGeneration.framework
54 JavaEOInterface.framework
55 JavaEOInterfaceCocoa.framework
56 JavaEOInterfaceSwing.framework
57 JavaEOProject.framework
58 JavaEORuleSystem.framework
59 JavaEOTool.framework
60 JavaFoundation.framework
61 JavaFrameEmbedding.framework
62 JavaJDBCAdaptor.framework
63 JavaJNDIAdaptor.framework
64 JavaWebObjects.framework
65 JavaWebServicesClient.framework
66 JavaWebServicesGeneration.framework
67 JavaWebServicesSupport.framework
68 JavaWOExtensions.framework
69 JavaWOJSPServlet.framework
Pascal Robert 49.1 70 {{/code}}
David Avendasora 16.1 71
Pascal Robert 48.1 72 {{note title="Copying Frameworks"}}
73 On MacOSX Frameworks are "versioned" using the symbolic link trick, this doesn't work on Windows.
Pascal Robert 49.1 74 Once copied, check each framework to make sure that the "Resources" and "WebServerResources" folders are in the ".framework" directory and not in a subdirectory (usually "Verisions\A\")
Pascal Robert 48.1 75 {{/note}}
David Avendasora 16.1 77 Copy JavaMonitor.woa and wotaskd.woa from /System/Library/WebObjects/JavaApplications to c:/Apple/Library/JavaApplications
79 Copy the content of /System/Library/WebObjects/WODocumentRoot to your apache document root directory. If you don't use D2W or D2JC I think you can omit the both Java folders.
Pascal Robert 48.1 81 If you are installing WebObjects 5.3 copy /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ to C:/Apple/Library
David Avendasora 16.1 83 At least copy the jar files from /Library/WebObjects/Extensions to c:/Apple/Local/Library/WebObjects/Extensions.
85 {{code}}
87 axis.jar
88 axis-ant.jar
89 commons-discovery-0.2.jar
90 commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
91 derby.jar
92 derbyclient.jar
93 jaxrpc.jar
94 log4j-1.2.14.jar
95 saaj.jar
96 serializer.jar
97 servlet.jar
98 wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar
99 xalan.jar
100 xercesImpl.jar
101 xml-apis.jar
103 {{/code}}
105 = Add environment variable =
Pascal Robert 49.1 107 Under "System" add the environment variable NEXT_ROOT = C:/Apple
David Avendasora 16.1 108
109 = Installing the Apache Adaptor =
Pascal Robert 49.1 111 Copy the [[>>url:||shape="rect"]] file to c:/apache/modules
David Avendasora 16.1 112
fjecker 30.1 113 {{info title="Hint"}}
114 In some cases apache won't launch on a Windows Server system with this module.
Pascal Robert 49.1 115 In this case you should install the .Net Framework (3.x) on your system.
fjecker 30.1 116 {{/info}}
David Avendasora 16.1 118 = Configuring Apache =
Pascal Robert 49.1 120 Open the httpd.conf file in c:/apache/conf and search for the line "LoadModule rewrite_module modules/" and put the following
line right befor that:
David Avendasora 16.1 121
122 {{code}}
124 LoadModule WebObjects_module modules/
126 {{/code}}
128 At the end of the httpd.conf file add the following lines:
130 {{code}}
132 # WebObjects 5.4: Enable the WebObjects module. loadModule should be added before mod_rewrite
133 Include conf/extra/httpd-webobjects.conf
135 {{/code}}
fjecker 30.1 137 Find the <Directory /> entry and comment out the last two lines
139 {{code}}
141 <Directory />
142 Options FollowSymLinks
143 AllowOverride None
144 # Order deny,allow
145 # Deny from all
146 </Directory>
148 {{/code}}
David Avendasora 16.1 150 Create the file httpd-webobjects.conf in your c:/apache/conf/extra folder:
152 {{code}}
154 # WebObjects 5.4: Enable the WebObjects module. Should be loaded before mod_rewrite
155 # LoadModule WebObjects_module modules/
157 # Path to the Document Root of your Webserver,
158 # it should contain a directory named WebObjects
159 WebObjectsDocumentRoot c:/apache/htdocs
161 # You can change the 'cgi-bin' part of WebObjectsAlias to whatever you
162 # prefer (such as Apps), but the 'WebObjects' part is required.
163 WebObjectsAlias /Apps/WebObjects
165 # Here are the 3 possible configuration modes.
166 # The apache module uses one of them to get information
167 # about your deployed applications.
168 # 1085 is the reserved port on which wotaskd processes listen to by default.
170 # Host List Configuration
171 # wotaskd is started automatically on supported platforms,
172 # so this is the default mode.
173 # The apache module gets its configuration from the wotaskds
174 # listed on the configuration line
175 # For multiple hosts:
176 # WebObjectsConfig http://<name-of-a-host>:<port-on-a-host>,http://<name-of-another-host>:<port-on-a-host> <interval>
177 # For localhost:
178 WebObjectsConfig http://localhost:1085 10
180 # Multicast Configuration
181 # The apache module gets its configuration from all wotaskds
182 # that respond to the multicast call on the subnet
183 # WebObjectsConfig webobjects:// 10
185 # File Configuration
186 # The apache module gets its configuration from one file
187 # WebObjectsConfig file://<path-to-a-xml-config-file> 10
189 # To enable public access to the WOAdaptorInfo page, uncomment the following line
190 # WebObjectsAdminUsername public
192 # To enable the WOAdaptorInfo page with restricted access,
193 # uncomment the next two lines and set the user and password
194 # To access the WOAdaptorInfo page with restricted access,
195 # use a URL like: http://webserver/cgi-bin/WebObjects/WOAdaptorInfo?user+password.
196 # WebObjectsAdminUsername user
197 # WebObjectsAdminPassword password
199 # To change the logging options, read the following comments:
200 # The option name is "WebObjectsLog" and the first value indicates the path of the log file.
201 # The second value indicates the log level. There are five, in decreasing informational order:
202 # "Debug", "Info", "Warn", "Error", "User"
203 #
204 # Note: To enable logging, touch '/tmp/logWebObjects' as the administrator user (usually root).
Pascal Robert 48.1 205 # Under Windows create c:\TEMP\logWebObjects
David Avendasora 16.1 207 # The following line is the default:
208 # WebObjectsLog /Library/WebObjects/Logs/WebObjects.log Debug
210 {{/code}}
212 You had to restart your Apache Service to apply your changes.
214 = Installing WOTaskDaemon as a Windows Service =
Pascal Robert 48.1 216 === Using Microsoft Windows 2003 resource kit ===
218 Microsoft provides free tools to register applications as services : instsrv and srvany.
Pascal Robert 49.1 219 Both are bundled with "Microsoft Windows 2003 resource kit" which can be downloaded [[here>>url:||shape="rect"]].
Pascal Robert 48.1 220
Pascal Robert 49.1 221 Below a quick translation of the [[KB469536>>url:||shape="rect"]] which describes their usage:
Pascal Robert 48.1 222
223 First create a new service using instsrv that refers to the srvany executable
225 {{code}}
227 C:\>C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\Instsrv WOTaskD C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\srvany.exe
229 {{/code}}
Pascal Robert 49.1 231 Then fire regedit and navigate to **HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WOTaskD**
232 Add a sub-key named "Parameters".
233 In this sub-key add a new REG_SZ key named "Application" and put the path of the WOTaskD.cmd file.
Pascal Robert 48.1 234
235 Your reg key should now look like below :
Pascal Robert 49.1 236 [[image:attach:wotaskd_reg.png]]
Pascal Robert 48.1 237 To try your newly created service simply start it by typing :
239 {{code}}
241 C:\>net start WOTaskD
243 {{/code}}
245 You should be aware that srvany is just a laucher, this means that the "service" has no control over WOTaskD's sub-processes:
Pascal Robert 49.1 246 stopping the service has no effect on WOTaskD. For now the only solution I found is to use the following lines in a cmd file :
Pascal Robert 48.1 247
248 {{code}}
250 net stop apache2.2
251 net stop wotaskd
252 taskkill /F /IM java.exe /T
254 {{/code}}
256 === Using FireDameon ===
258 You can use FireDaemon and add a new Service:
Pascal Robert 49.1 259 Executable: C:\Apple\Library\WebObjects\JavaApplications\wotaskd.woa\wotaskd.CMD
260 Working Directory:C:\Apple\Library\WebObjects\JavaApplications\wotaskd.woa
David Avendasora 16.1 261
262 To test the system you can also install WO Monitor as a service:
Pascal Robert 49.1 263 Executable: C:\Apple\Library\WebObjects\JavaApplications\JavaMonitor.woa\JavaMonitor.CMD
264 Working Directory:C:\Apple\Library\WebObjects\JavaApplications\JavaMonitor.woa
sklein 22.1 265
fjecker 44.1 266 = Testing the installation =
sklein 22.1 268 Now that everything should be set up properly, it is time for a small test. First, let's look if wotaskd is working.
Pascal Robert 49.1 270 Open a browser and go to http:~/~/<myhost>:1085If it works, you should see the host's configuration displayed in the browser. Now, start WOMonitor (double click on ...\JavaMonitor.woa\JavaMonitor.CMD) if it is not already running as a service.
271 Wait a few seconds, then point the browser to http:~/~/<myhost>:56789
sklein 22.1 272
273 You should see Monitor's main window. Now you can start deploying your applications.
Pascal Robert 48.1 274
275 = Solving issues =
Pascal Robert 49.1 277 === The requested URL [WO:...] was not found ===
Pascal Robert 48.1 278
279 By default as configured in the httpd-webobjects.conf file the alias for the adaptor is "/Apps/WebObjects".
281 {{code}}
283 WebObjectsAlias /Apps/WebObjects
285 {{/code}}
287 You can change this and restore the "/cgi-bin/WebObjects" path by changing this variable.
289 If you wish to keep the default value (or use a custom value) do not forget to change the adaptor path in the "Site" tab of JavaMonitor