Changes for page Best Practices-Properties Files
Last modified by Ray Kiddy on 2009/07/29 13:11
From version 26.1
edited by David Avendasora
on 2008/04/18 11:16
on 2008/04/18 11:16
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -Best Practices 1 +Best Practices-Properties Files - Author
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. avendasora1 +XWiki.kiddyr - Content
... ... @@ -1,7 +1,44 @@ 1 -=== [[User-SpecificProperties Files]]===1 +=== Properties Files === 2 2 3 +==== User-Specific Properties Files ==== 4 + 3 3 You can have any number of **Properties.username** files in your project's Resources directory in-addition-to the default **Properties** file. These Properties.username files will automatically load based on which user is launching the application. This allows you to have custom logging, email, database, etc configuration settings for each developer. 4 4 5 -This capability can also be (ab)used in combinination with the Launch parameter **** to specify Production vs Staging/Development properties. For example: a launch parameter of **** will cause **Properties.deployment** to be read when the application in launched.7 +This capability can also be (ab)used in combinination with the Launch parameter **** to specify Production vs Staging/Development properties. For example: a launch parameter of **** will cause **Properties.deployment** to be read when the application in launched. 6 6 7 7 This can be very useful for automatically changing database connection configurations based on whether or not an application is being run in Production or Development. 10 + 11 +==== Development Only Properties File ==== 12 + 13 +You can set properties that will only be active if the project is run in Development mode by creating a **** file. It will be loaded for all users. 14 + 15 +=== Database Connection Properties === 16 + 17 +While the easiest place to set connection properties is in the EOModel, a better place to put them is in the Properties system, that way you can leverage the flexibility of launch-time loading of Properties so that you set connection info for each user, for development or for deployment. 18 + 19 +==== Model-Specific Connection Properties ==== 20 + 21 +{{noformat}} 22 + 23 +MyEOModel.URL = 24 +MyEOModel.DBUser = 25 +MyEOModel.DBPassword = 26 +MyEOModel.DBDriver = 27 +MyEOModel.DBPlugin = 28 +MyEOModel.DBJDBCInfo = 29 + 30 +{{/noformat}} 31 + 32 +==== Global Connection Properties ==== 33 + 34 +These settings will allow you to set the connection properties for all the EOModels in your project. 35 + 36 +{{noformat}} 37 + 38 +dbConnectURLGLOBAL = 39 +dbConnectUserGLOBAL = 40 +dbConnectPasswordGLOBAL = 41 +dbConnectDriverGLOBAL = 42 +dbEOPrototypesEntityGLOBAL = 43 + 44 +{{/noformat}}