Wiki source code of Best Practices

Last modified by Pascal Robert on 2012/07/19 21:19

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Pascal Robert 10.1 1 >The road to wisdom starts with a full appreciation of one's ignorance.
Ray Kiddy 1.1 2
3 Project Wonder is an amazing collection of tools. So, how does one start? How does one find out what questions to ask? The collective knowledge of developers with experience using Project Wonder are collected into "Best Practices" documents. Ignore their words at your peril. And, when you realize something that other people may not know, think about contributing that knowledge.
Ray Kiddy 13.1 5 * [[Best Practices-Properties Files>>doc:documentation.Home.Best Practices.Best Practices-Properties Files.WebHome]]
Pascal Robert 10.1 6 * [[Best Practices>>doc:WO.Best Practices]] (other page)
Theodore Petrosky 12.1 7 * [[Best Practices-Model>>doc:documentation.Home.Best Practices.Best Practices-Model.WebHome]]
Theodore Petrosky 14.1 8 * [[Best Practices-Starting From Scratch>>doc:documentation.Home.Best Practices.Best Practices-Starting From Scratch.WebHome]]
Pascal Robert 16.1 9 * [[EOF-Using EOF-EOF Best Practices>>doc:documentation.Home.Development Architecture.EOF Architecture.EOF.EOF-Using EOF-EOF Best Practices.WebHome]]
Pascal Robert 15.1 10 * [[Web Applications-Development-WOForm Best Practices>>doc:documentation.Home.Best Practices.Development-WOForm Best Practices.WebHome]]
Pascal Robert 10.1 11
12 {{warning title="In construction"}}
13 This chapter is under construction. Do not expect it to be useful... yet!
14 {{/warning}}
16 = Best Practices =
18 == Overview ==
20 The Best Practices section will assume that you already read about the majority of the basic concepts and tools related to WebObjects (like EOF, Components, etc) and that you have installed the tools needed to develop WebObjects on your machine.
22 I decided to write this chapter because, after reading about all that, I was really confused with all those new concepts. Apple documentation explains a lot about them, but doesn't teach you how to use them in real-world solutions. What I want to accomplish here is a journey from a big mess of concepts in your mind to a better organized mental model of how to apply all that in your applications.
24 This section is complemented by a very simple example application that will show some of the problems and solutions referred here. The main focus will always be the text, and the knowledge it contains. The example application is not vital, it's just a support playground for you to try some of the stuff you are about to read. There are some bugs introduced in the application that you can turn on and off using the Properties file. These bugs are examples of common bugs people do when learning WO.
26 == TOC ==
Theodore Petrosky 14.1 28 * [[Starting From Scratch>>doc:documentation.Home.Best Practices.Best Practices-Starting From Scratch.WebHome]]
Theodore Petrosky 12.1 29 * [[Model>>doc:documentation.Home.Best Practices.Best Practices-Model.WebHome]]
Pascal Robert 10.1 30
31 (There will be an appendix that will guide you installing the application on your machine)
Theodore Petrosky 14.1 33 [[Starting From Scratch ยป>>doc:documentation.Home.Best Practices.Best Practices-Starting From Scratch.WebHome]]