"maven-japplication-plugin" is a plugin for assembling native launchers of Java applications for a number of target platforms. It will package current project artifact and all its declared and transitive dependencies into the launcher. Currently supports native launchers for Mac and Windows operating systems and also a "java launcher" - a single jar file that can be run via "java -jar file.jar".
"maven-japplication-plugin" is based on a JApplication Ant task and has similar capabilities, however the Maven environment provides more information about the project, so plugin has fewer required parameters.
OS Requirements
OS requirements are similar to those for JApplication Ant task, i.e. Mac launcher can only be built on Mac, and Windows launcher - on Windows.
"japplication" is the only defined goal. Its purpose is to assemble a java launcher. It has the parameters described below. The difference from JApplication Ant task is in smarter defaults.
Parameter | Description | Required | Default | Platforms |
name | The name of the application without OS-specific extension | No | ${project.artifact.artifactId} |
mainClass | Main Java class | Yes |
os | A family of operating systems. Currently supported values are "mac", "windows" and "java" | No | Build machine OS, if omitted; if the os is not supported, will use "java". |
destDir | A destination directory where the application launcher should be installed | No | ${} - usually "target/" |
longName | An optional string identifying the application human-readable name. If not specified, "name" is used. | No | ${project.artifact.artifactId}-${project.artifact.version} |
icon | Platform-specific icon file (usually "*.ico" on Windows and "*.icns" on Mac) | No |
| mac,windows |
jvm | Minimal version of the Java Virtual machine required. | No | 1.4+ | mac |
jvmOptions | Optional parameters to pass to the JVM, such as memory settings, etc. | No |
| mac,windows |
version | Product version string | No | ${project.artifact.version} | mac |
A POM that builds a Foo application on Mac. All declared and transitive dependencies (not shown here) will be included in automatically:
<project xmlns=""