Last modified by Henrique Prange on 2010/05/29 18:16
Release Plan
- Archetype for WOnder projects
- Archetype for D2W WOnder projects
- Archetype for WebObjects projects
- Archetype for D2W projects
- Archetype for True WAR projects
- Partial Archetype for True WAR projects
- New documentation site for WOProject Maven plug-ins
- Maven JavaMonitor plug-in
- Suport for JavaClient projects
- Enhancements on wolifecycle plug-in to support JavaClient structure
- Archetypes for JC and D2JC projects
- Unification of Maven plug-ins and Ant tasks base code to build WO projects
WOLips Wizard
- Support for D2W projects
- Support for JavaClient projects
- Support for q4e and m2eclipse
Maven WOLifecycle Plug-in
- Replace Ant tasks by Java code
- Fix bugs
- Option to auto generate classes based on EOModels
- Support for JavaClient stuff?
- Possibly leverage maven webstart plugin
- Update the documentation
- Generate SQL scripts based on EOModels
- Goal to run WO applications from Maven (can be useful to run Selenium tests, for instance)
Maven WOBootstrap Plug-in
- Support for Apple nightly builds structure
- Goal to update time zone data on WO jars
Maven JavaMonitor Plug-in
- Support for JavaMonitor deployment
- Merge Apple archetypes and WOProjects archetypes to provide support for jar, woframework, woapplication and war?
- Publish an archetype catalog for use in the m2eclipse project wizard
- Support for JavaClient projects?
- Support for Direct To Web projects
- Support for Direct To WebServices
- Update the documentation
- Nightly builds for Wonder using Maven
- Provide a repository with Wonder libraries
- Produce source artifacts to be attached on Eclipse
- Configuration to create a package with all Sources and Resources
General WebObjects/Maven Documentation
Need we say more?
Could we talk a little bit about WO and Maven on the next WOWODC?