Packaging WO Applications as true WAR with Maven

Last modified by Ulrich Köster on 2009/08/02 20:26

If you have used the woapplication-archetype to create your project, jump to the step 3.

You have to follow some instructions to build a true WAR package:

Step 1: Create a web.xml file

You need to create a web.xml file. You can download a simple web.xml file here. Don't forget to change the displayName and the WOMainBundle properties:

Unknown macro: noformat. Click on this message for details.

Step 2: Create/generate an Info.plist file

You also need to create or generate a valid Info.plist file into your resources folder. Here is a sample Info.plist. You have to change the ${your-app-name} and ${package} occurrences with the respective application name and Application class package.

Step 3: Package your classes, resources and webserver resources

The application jar must follow the NSJarBundle format. The NSJarBundle is a package organized in Resources and WebServerResources folders. In addition, the Resources folder must contain a valid Info.plist file. Your application classes, resources and webserver resources must be package as a jar. It is easy to configure Maven to do this:

Unknown macro: noformat. Click on this message for details.

Step 4: Add the required dependencies

You must add the following dependency to run the application as a true WAR:

Unknown macro: noformat. Click on this message for details.

NOTE: If you are using WebObjects 5.2.x or 5.3.x you have to add this additional dependency:

Unknown macro: noformat. Click on this message for details.

NOTE: If your application uses Wonder you must add the ERXServlet dependency:

Unknown macro: noformat. Click on this message for details.

Read this tutorial to find how to configure the ERXServletAdaptor in your application.

Step 5: Change the packaging type

The default maven-war-plugin can handle the war packaging correctly. You have to change the packaging of your POM to 'war' in order to use this plug-in:

Unknown macro: noformat. Click on this message for details.

It's done.

Step 6: Filtering variables with Maven (OPTIONAL)

Maven supports variable substitution during build time. It is called resource filtering. You can find more information about resource filtering here and here.

If you are using variables in your resource files (i.e. the Info.plist), you have to configure Maven to filter the Resources folder like this:

Unknown macro: noformat. Click on this message for details.

If you are using variables in the web.xml file, you have to configure Maven to filter deployment descriptors like this:

Unknown macro: noformat. Click on this message for details.

Running your application as true WAR

You can use the maven-jetty-plugin to run and test your application.

Step 1: Configure the maven-jetty-plugin

Add the following configuration to your POM:

Unknown macro: noformat. Click on this message for details.

Step 2: Start the Jetty container with Maven

Just execute:

Unknown macro: noformat. Click on this message for details.

Step 3: See the result

Open a browser and type the URL for your application like this: http://locahost:8080/your-app-name/WebObjects/