Last modified by Ulrich Köster on 2011/08/20 20:03
This is the home page for the Maven Plugins space.
Maven >= 3 is recommended.
See Maven download.
See Maven release notes for further information.
Note: on mac you can use macports to install. See the Quick Start tutorial.
Note: Maven 1 is no longer supported. Maven 2 will work, but resolves dependencies to the latest snapshot rather than the latest release. Use Maven 3 where possible.
WOProject Maven2 Plugins
- maven-japplication-plugin: A Maven plug-in for assembling native launchers of Java applications for a number of OS platforms.
- maven-wobootstrap-plugin: A plug-in to install/deploy WebObjects libs into Maven repositories.
- maven-wolifecycle-plugin: A plug-in to build WebObjects applications and frameworks with Maven.
- Maven2 WebObjects Archetypes
- woapplication-archetype (new)
- maven-archetype-woapplication (deprecated)
Additional Documentation
- Quick Start: A short tutorial demonstrating how to create a project and start developing with Maven.
- Packaging WO Applications as true WAR with Maven: The steps required to build your WebObjects project as a true WAR.
- General Maven Documentation: A review of some basic Maven concepts. It could be useful for users starting to use Maven for the first time.
WOProject Maven Development
- Roadmap: Describes the next steps for WOProject Maven development.