Veogen Tips and Tricks
Last modified by chuckhill on 2008/03/03 19:31
Accessing Values
Simple expressions like ${relationship.actualDestination.classNameWithDefault} work as long as the methods use the is... or get... prefix from JavaBeans. For other methods, use () to indicate that it is a regular method name: ${}.
Number vs Integer or Long
If you prefer your classes to be generated with Number instead of Integer or Long, add this macro to the start of your template:
#macro( genericClass $specificClass )
#if($specificClass == "Integer" || $specificClass == "Long")Number#else$specificClass#end
And use it like this:
public #genericClass($attribute.javaClassName) ${}() {
return (#genericClass($attribute.javaClassName)) storedValueForKey("$");
public void set${attribute.capitalizedName}(#genericClass($attribute.javaClassName) value)
takeStoredValueForKey(value, "$");