Split Install Deployment

Last modified by Paul Hoadley on 2008/09/04 12:55


Below is outlined "simple embedding" concepts, however full embedding and split-installing are really recommended. This provides fully versioned self-contained bundles of both the application deployment bundle and the webserver deployment bundle. Read the docs on that technique for more advantages. This technique fully explained along with a ready-to-use ant build script is available at:

Alternative Ant Build Script for Fully Embedded and Split Install Bundles

The Simple Way

One simple change to your build.xml: Simply add the wsDestDir property to the woapplication (or woframework in the case of a framework project) task in your project's build.xml as shown below. As stated by the documentation, presence of that parameter triggers a split install and thus creates an additional woa bundle for the webserver resources.

<woapplication name="${project.name}"  stdFrameworks="false"

woframework opening tag with wsDestDir property

<woframework name="${framework.name}"

A Better Way

So that both Install works and ant build into project dist (right-click build.xml -> Run As/Ant Build) provides a split install, make the following 4 1-line changes to your Application build.xml file as shown in snippet below:

setProps target : add wsinstall.dir property
 init.install target : add wsdest.dir property
 init.build target : add wsdest.dir property
 woapplication task : add wsDestDir property

<!-- property determination  -->
   <target name="setProps">
       <property file="${user.home}${file.separator}build.properties"/>
       <property file="build.properties"/>
       <property file="${user.home}${file.separator}Library${file.separator}wobuild.properties"/>
       <condition property="wo.properties.check.failed">
                   <isset property="wo.wosystemroot"/>
                   <isset property="wo.wolocalroot"/>
       <fail message="Could not find ${user.home}${file.separator}Library${file.separator}wobuild.properties." if="wo.properties.check.failed"/>
       <property name="install.dir" value="${wo.wolocalroot}/Library/WebObjects/Applications"/>
       <property name="wsinstall.dir" value="${wo.wolocalroot}/Library/WebServer/Documents"/>

   <!-- basic initializations  -->
   <target name="init.install">
       <property name="dest.dir" value="${install.dir}"/>
       <property name="wsdest.dir" value="${wsinstall.dir}"/>

   <target name="init.build">
       <property name="dest.dir" value="dist"/>
       <property name="wsdest.dir" value="dist/wsdocroot"/>

   <!-- woproject tasks -->
   <target name="build.woapp">

       <taskdef name="woapplication" classname="org.objectstyle.woproject.ant.WOApplication">

       <!-- add webXML="true" to generate a web.xml file -->
       <woapplication name="${project.name}"  stdFrameworks="false"