Recommended Eclipse Configuration

Last modified by Pascal Robert on 2013/05/21 17:29

Just run this script Bash script to download Eclipse and install everything in OneStep.

The above replaces everything below for Eclipse 3.6.1 for Mac OS X

Download this file  RecommendedUpdateSites.xml

In Eclipse.

Help=>Install New Software...
 Click "Available Software Sites"

On the Modal Dialog box Click the Import button and select the RecommendedUpdateSites.xml file.Preferences.jpg

Import... Download and select
 Click "OK"

Under Work with, select "All Available Sites"

Then select individual sites to configure.

Select WOLips => WOLips
 Select WOLips (Optional) => WOLips Goodies

If you want SVN Support:
 Select Collaboration => Subversive SVN Team Provider

If you want Git Support (and who doesn't):
 Select Collaboration => Eclipse EGit
 Select Eclipse Git Team Provier => Eclipse EGit
 (also make sure you have git installed from http://
 (also go to github and fork WOnder
 more information on getting WOnder source is at Getting the Wonder Source Code)

If you want JadClipse (to decompile class file):
 Select Uncategorized => JadClipse Feature
 (also install jad from into /usr/local/bin/jad)

If you want to use WOLips Groovy Support:
 Select Groovy-Eclipse => Groovy-Eclipse Feature
 Select WOLips => WOLips Groovy Support

If you want to use WOLips JRebel Support:
 Select JRebel => JRebel Eclipse Integration
 Select WOLips => WOLips JRebel

If you want to use WOLips JProfiler Launching:
 Select Uncategorized => JProfiler
 Select WOLips => WOLips JProfiler Launching

If you want to use Workspace Mechanic:
 Select Collaboration => Mylyn Task List (Required)
 Select Collaboration => Mylyn Task-Focused Interface (Recommended)
 Select Workspace Mechanic for Eclipse => Workspace Mechanic

Click "Next >" and Approve all the licenses, etc.

Restart Eclipse

If you want shared workspace settings:
Unzip into ~/.eclipse (make it if it doesn't exist)

Restart Eclipse

Recording Your Own Preferences in Workspace Mechanic

In workspace mechanic, right-click on the icon and select "Preference Recorder > Start Recording" to record your own preference changes. Once you are finished, select "Stop Recording" and save the resulting file to your ~/.eclipse/mechanic folder created above. Use the .epf file extension for your preference change to be picked up when you open other workspaces.EclipseScreenSnapz001.png