Last modified by Pascal Robert on 2012/07/19 21:10

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Pascal Robert 13.1 1 Yes, PostgreSQL does work with WebObjects. The best place to start is the [[Project WOnder PostgresqlPlugin Page>>doc:documentation.Home.Frameworks.PostgresqlPlugin Framework.WebHome]].
Johan Henselmans 2.1 2
Pascal Robert 12.1 3 If you're on a Mac, Apple has an [[article>>url:||shape="rect"]] on installing PostgreSQL on Mac OS X that is pretty straightforward.
Johan Henselmans 2.1 4
Pascal Robert 12.1 5 Mark Liyanage builds an installer for postgresql. Have a look at [[entropy>>url:||shape="rect"]]
Pascal Robert 7.1 6
Pascal Robert 12.1 7 Another way to get postgresql installed is to use one of the installers that maintain a complete ports tree. There is [[Fink>>url:||shape="rect"]] and [[Macports>>url:||shape="rect"]]. Bot can be used via a graphical installer, in fink it is included. For macports you can use [[porticus>>url:||shape="rect"]].
Pascal Robert 7.1 8
Pascal Robert 12.1 9 If you're interested in a nice graphical interface to managing your PostgreSQL installation, you may want to checkout out [[Navicat PostgreSQL>>url:||shape="rect"]] from Navicat.