Changes for page Database Compatibility and Comparisons-FrontBase
Last modified by John Huss on 2010/07/23 14:35
From version 4.1
edited by David Holt
on 2008/05/12 19:07
on 2008/05/12 19:07
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. dholt1 +XWiki.johnthuss - Content
... ... @@ -1,16 +1,27 @@ 1 -FrontBase is now available for free. Please see the FrontBase website [[]] for details. 1 +FrontBase is now available for **free**. Please see the FrontBase website [[http:~~/~~/>>url:||shape="rect"]] for details. 2 2 3 3 ---- 4 4 5 +**A first experience with FrontBase, WO 5.3.1 and MacOSX 10.4.6** 6 + 7 +Make sure you have the FrontBase jdbc connector accessible from your WebObjects applications. I placed mine in /Library/Java/Extensions/ 8 + Make sure that the FrontBasePlugIn.framework is located in /Library/Java/Frameworks 9 + Make sure that you have added the framework to your project or you will not be able to establish a connection to your database, even though you'll be able to see your database from EOModeler. 10 + If you haven't yet assigned a User/Password combination to your database, you still must include User information in order for the connection to be established. Use _system to get started. The URL for basic connection is: jdbc:FrontBase:~/~/localhost/my_database_name 11 + 12 +The documentation available at the Frontbase site is very complete. The only gotcha was that I was left with the impression the framework was only necessary for WebObjects 4.5 and below. This is not the case, you have to install and include it for WO 5 projects too. 13 + 14 +---- 15 + 5 5 **Useful SQL commands in FrontBase** 6 6 7 -{{code value="sql"}}18 +{{code 0="sql"}} 8 8 9 9 // writes an ascii backup of your database 10 10 write all output(dir='/path/to/export/dir', type = 'FrontBase', content=true); 11 11 12 12 // creates a database from the exported files that results from the previous command 13 -SCRIPT <path-to-export-directory>/schema.sql; 24 +SCRIPT <path-to-export-directory>/schema.sql; 14 14 15 15 // to rename a table 16 16 alter table name Item to ItemArchive; ... ... @@ -17,27 +17,209 @@ 17 17 18 18 {{/code}} 19 19 20 -If you don't use type='FrontBase', you end up losing precision on your timestamp columns, which can really suck. 31 +(% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %)If you don't use type='FrontBase', you end up losing precision on your timestamp columns, which can really suck. 21 21 22 22 ---- 23 23 24 -A first experience with FrontBase, WO 5.3.1 and MacOSX 10.4.6 35 +**Delimited Export From FrontBase** 36 + (% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %)Out of the box FrontBase doesn't provide a pure delimited file export. But it comes close, and with a little effort, you can have a delimited file export that you can import into a different database. This script will create a tab delimited backup of your database. 25 25 26 -Make sure you have the FrontBase jdbc connector accessible from your WebObjects applications. I placed mine in /Library/Java/Extensions/ 27 -Make sure that the FrontBasePlugIn.framework is located in /Library/Java/Frameworks 28 -Make sure that you have added the framework to your project or you will not be able to establish a connection to your database, even though you'll be able to see your database from EOModeler. 29 -If you haven't yet assigned a User/Password combination to your database, you still must include User information in order for the connection to be established. Use system to get started. The URL for basic connection is: jdbc:FrontBase:~/~/localhost/my_database_name 38 +{{code}} 30 30 31 - Thedocumentation available at the Frontbase site is very complete. The only gotcha was that I was left with the impression the framework was only necessary for WebObjects 4.5and below. Thisis not the case, you have to install and include it for WO 5 projects too.40 +#! /bin/bash 32 32 42 +# The name of the database to backup must be the first argument to the script 43 +# The backup output directory (ABSOLUTE PATH!) must be the second parameter 44 + 45 +if [ "$#" -lt "2" ]; then 46 + echo "Usage:" 47 + echo "$0 <DATABASE_NAME> <BACKUP_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_ABOLUTE_PATH>" 48 + exit 1 49 +fi 50 + 51 +mkdir -p "$2" 52 + 53 +echo "CONNECT TO $1 USER _system;" > backup_$1.sql 54 +echo "WRITE ALL OUTPUT(DIR='$2', CSEP='\t', RSEP='\n', CONTENT=TRUE);" >> backup_$1.sql 55 +echo "DISCONNECT CURRENT;" >> backup_$1.sql 56 + 57 +# run the backup 58 +/Library/FrontBase/bin/sql92 < backup_$1.sql 59 + 60 +rm backup_$1.sql 61 + 62 +# convert files to plain delimited format 63 +for FILE in `ls $2/*_*`; do 64 + #echo "$FILE" 65 + 66 + # read table name (first line) 67 + TABLE=`head -n 1 "$FILE"` 68 + TABLE=`echo $TABLE | sed 's/_SYSTEM.//g' ` 69 + echo $TABLE 70 + 71 + if [[ $TABLE == BLACK_AND_WHITE_LIST* ]]; then 72 + rm -f "$FILE" 73 + continue 74 + fi 75 + 76 + if [[ $TABLE == INFORMATION_SCHEMA* ]]; then 77 + rm -f "$FILE" 78 + continue 79 + fi 80 + 81 + # read number of columns (second line) 82 + NUMCOLUMNS=`head -n 2 "$FILE" | tail -n 1` 83 + 84 + 85 + COLUMNS="" 86 + 87 + # read list of columns and assemble into one line (csv) 88 + for ((i=1; i <= $NUMCOLUMNS; i++)); do 89 + LINENUM=$((i + 2)) 90 + LINE=`head -n $LINENUM "$FILE" | tail -n 1` 91 + COLUMN=`echo $LINE | cut -d\" -f 2` 92 + COLUMNS="${COLUMNS},${COLUMN}" 93 + done 94 + 95 + # remove leading comma from column list 96 + COLUMNS=`sed 's/^.//' <<<$COLUMNS` 97 + # replace commas with tabs in the header 98 + COLUMNS=`sed 's/,/ /g' <<<$COLUMNS` 99 + 100 + OUTFILE="$2/${TABLE}.tab" 101 + 102 + # append CSV header with column names to file 103 + echo "$COLUMNS" > "$OUTFILE" 104 + 105 + # delete column list from file and escape double quotes. 106 + # if you are manually escaping text, then remove the part: | sed 's/"/""/g' 107 + DELETELINES=$(($NUMCOLUMNS + 2)) 108 + sed "1,${DELETELINES}d" $FILE | sed 's/"/""/g' >> "$OUTFILE" 109 + 110 + rm -f "$FILE" 111 +done 112 + 113 +echo "" 114 +echo "The backup file has been written to $2.tgz" 115 +echo "" 116 + 117 +{{/code}} 118 + 119 +There are a few caveats with this backup: 120 + 121 +1. FrontBase's delimited export doesn't do any quoting or escaping as far as I know. The script above handles embedded quotes, but that is all. So if your data has embedded line breaks, tabs, or double-quotes, then you will need to manually deal with that. The easiest way is to just edit the data in the DB before backing up. First run a query to escape double quotes so that " becomes "". Then run a query to surround the data with double quotes. These changes will make the export file valid but won't alter the data once it's imported. 122 +1. FrontBase's export pads CHAR (fixed-length) fields with zero bytes (0x0) which are not allowed by Postgres' import. You can alter your schema to use VARCHAR instead before exporting, or just strip the zero bytes if you know that if won't mess up any other data you have. You can strip them after exporting by running this command: 123 +1. {{code}} 124 +tr -d '\0' < > 125 +mv 126 +{{/code}}I don't know if this works with binary data. 127 +1. There may be issues with character encoding. 128 +1. There may be issues with timestamp precision. Is type='FrontBase' needed? 129 + 130 +---- 131 + 132 +**Migration to PostreSQL** 133 + 134 +Using the delimited export above, you can migrate a FrontBase database to PostgreSQL. This is an import script that does that: 135 + 136 +{{code}} 137 + 138 +#! /bin/bash 139 + 140 +# NOTE: you will be prompted for your DB password, perhaps interrupting a very long process 141 +# that would otherwise be automated; you can avoid this by setting the auth method to trust 142 +# in postgresql.conf or creating a .pgpass file in your home folder. 143 + 144 +# The database must exist already. If it doesn't, create it by running: createdb "MyDatabase" 145 + 146 +# This will only import the data, not the schema. the schema must already be defined. 147 +# However, for better speed you may want to wait to define the indexes, foreign keys, 148 +# and constraints until after the import is complete. 149 + 150 +# If an error occurs in the import phase all changes will be rolled back; the DB will have 151 +# no data and you can fiddle with things and try again. 152 + 153 +if [ $# -lt "2" ]; then 154 + echo "Usage: $0 <database_name> <path_to_directory_with_tab_files>" 155 + exit 156 +fi 157 + 158 +DBNAME="$1" 159 +OUTPUTDIR="$2" 160 + 161 +cd "$OUTPUTDIR" 162 + 163 +function createScripts { 164 + 165 + rm -f import.txt 166 + rm -f sequences.txt 167 + rm -f vacuum.txt 168 + rm -f analyze.txt 169 + 170 + echo "SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED;" >> import.txt 171 + echo "" >> import.txt 172 + 173 + for FILE in `ls *.tab`; do 174 + TABLE=`sed 's/.tab$//' <<<$FILE ` 175 + 176 + if [[ $TABLE == INFORMATION_SCHEMA* ]]; then 177 + continue 178 + fi 179 + 180 + echo "Preparing sql for $TABLE" 181 + 182 + COLUMNS=`head -n 1 $FILE` 183 + # replace spaces or tabs with commas in the header 184 + COLUMNS=`sed 's/[ ]/,/g' <<<$COLUMNS` 185 + 186 + echo "DELETE FROM ${TABLE};" >> import.txt 187 + echo "COPY ${TABLE}(${COLUMNS}) FROM '${OUTPUTDIR}/${FILE}' WITH DELIMITER E'\t' CSV HEADER;" >> import.txt 188 + echo "" >> import.txt 189 + 190 + # this assumes your primary keys are named ${TABLE}PK - the table name followed by "pk". 191 + # if not, modify this, or reset the sequences manually later. 192 + echo "SELECT SETVAL('${TABLE}_seq', (SELECT MAX(${TABLE}PK) FROM ${TABLE}));" >> sequences.txt 193 + echo "" >> sequences.txt 194 + 195 + echo "VACUUM ${TABLE};" >> vacuum.txt 196 + echo "ANALYZE ${TABLE};" >> analyze.txt 197 + done 198 +} 199 + 200 +createScripts 201 + 202 +/Library/PostgreSQL8/bin/psql --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on -a --user postgres --dbname ${DBNAME} --single-transaction --file "${OUTPUTDIR}/import.txt" 203 +if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then 204 + exit 205 +fi 206 + 207 +/Library/PostgreSQL8/bin/psql --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on -a --user postgres --dbname ${DBNAME} --file "${OUTPUTDIR}/vacuum.txt" 208 +if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then 209 + exit 210 +fi 211 + 212 +/Library/PostgreSQL8/bin/psql --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on -a --user postgres --dbname ${DBNAME} --file "${OUTPUTDIR}/analyze.txt" 213 +if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then 214 + exit 215 +fi 216 + 217 +/Library/PostgreSQL8/bin/psql --set ON_ERROR_STOP=off -a --user postgres --dbname ${DBNAME} --file "${OUTPUTDIR}/sequences.txt" 218 + 219 +echo "Done." 220 +echo "Now add indexes, foreign keys, and constraints if you haven't yet." 221 + 222 +{{/code}} 223 + 224 +---- 225 + 33 33 **Migration from MySQL** 34 34 35 35 In most cases the datatypes are exactly the same. Here are the FrontBase equivalents for common datatypes in MySQL that are different: 36 36 37 -TEXT -> CLOB 230 +TEXT ~-~-> CLOB 38 38 39 -DATETIME -> TIMESTAMP 232 +DATETIME ~-~-> TIMESTAMP 40 40 41 -INT -> INTEGER 234 +INT ~-~-> INTEGER 42 42 43 -MEDIUMBLOB -> BLOB 236 +MEDIUMBLOB ~-~-> BLOB