Download Wonder Source, Build and Install
Version 212.1 by Kieran Kelleher on 2010/08/14 19:52
Instead of downloading the Wonder binaries, working from the latest source code directly can have some advantages such as:
- Ability to browse the source code and learn from the wisdom and experience of the WO committers
- Put breakpoints in and step through Wonder source when debugging your projects
- Provide opportunities to submit patches to bugs you might find in Wonder
- Add logging statements in Wonder source so you can better understand what is going when tracking down hard to find bugs
Downloading Wonder Source from Subversion
- Open a terminal shell and navigate to the directory where you want to maintain the WonderSource directory and decide on a name of the folder that will contain the Wonder source. For this example, we will use the name WonderSource
- Perform initial checkout of Wonder source tree from Subversion head using the following command. This checks out the source into the directory WonderLatest
Unknown macro: noformat. Click on this message for details.
- As often as you prefer you can keep this up to date as follows:
Unknown macro: noformat. Click on this message for details.
Build and Install Wonder
- Follow the "Building with Ant" instructions in the BUILD.txt document in the Wonder directory
This complete procedure results in you having
- a Wonder directory with the whole Wonder source tree (directories, projects, frameworks, example apps, miscellaneous, etc.) inside.
- The binary Wonder frameworks ("ant frameworks") will be installed in /Library/Frameworks.
- If you ran "ant applications", they will be installed in ...
- If you ran "ant examples", they will be installed in ...