Version 169.1 by tmk on 2010/09/09 22:48

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Kieran Kelleher 136.1 1 == Introduction ==
David Avendasora 128.1 2
Kieran Kelleher 136.1 3 Instead of downloading the Wonder binaries, working from the latest source code directly can have some advantages such as:
miguel77mex 77.1 4
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 5 * Ability to conveniently browse and search the source code and learn from the wisdom and experience of the WO committers
6 * Put breakpoints in and step through Wonder source when debugging your projects
7 * Provide opportunities to submit patches to bugs you might find in Wonder
David Avendasora 112.1 8 * Add logging statements in Wonder source so you can better understand what is going when tracking down hard to find bugs
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 9 * Work with specific versions of Wonder in a project - good practice for quality control, especially for teams
David Avendasora 112.1 10
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 11 == Downloading Wonder Source from Subversion ==
David Avendasora 112.1 12
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 13 * Open a terminal shell and navigate to the directory where you want to maintain the WonderSource directory and decide on a name of the folder that will contain the Wonder source. For this example, we will use the name //WonderSource//
14 * Perform initial checkout of Wonder source tree from Subversion head using the following command. This checks out the source into the directory //WonderSource//, automatically creating //WonderSource// if it does not exist.
miguel77mex 77.1 15
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 16 {{noformat}}
miguel77mex 77.1 17
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 18 svn co WonderSource
David Avendasora 128.1 19
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 20 {{/noformat}}
miguel77mex 77.1 21
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 22 * As often as you prefer you can keep this up to date as follows:
David Avendasora 128.1 23
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 24 {{noformat}}
David Avendasora 128.1 25
Kieran Kelleher 142.1 26 cd /path/to/WonderSource
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 27 svn up
Kieran Kelleher 142.1 28
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 29 {{/noformat}}
Kieran Kelleher 142.1 30
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 31 == Build and Install Wonder ==
Kieran Kelleher 142.1 32
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 33 * Follow the "Building with Ant" instructions in the BUILD.txt document in the Wonder directory
Kieran Kelleher 156.1 34
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 35 {{warning title="WebObjects 5.4.X Compatability"}}
Kieran Kelleher 156.1 36
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 37 The default instructions in Wonder's BUILD.txt produce binaries that are compatable with WO 5.3.3. If you are using WO 5.4.X, then you need to add the "-Dwonder.patch=54" option to the ant commands. For example:
Kieran Kelleher 142.1 38
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 39 ant \-Dwonder.patch=54 frameworks; sudo ant \-Dwonder.patch=54 frameworks.install
Kieran Kelleher 142.1 40
tmk 168.1 41 Alternatively, to avoid having to type the \-Dwonder.patch=54 option every time, one can create a file at the root of the Wonder directory that contains the following line : wonder.patch=54
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 43 {{/warning}}
Kieran Kelleher 142.1 44
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 45 == Concepts ==
Kieran Kelleher 142.1 46
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 47 This complete procedure results in you having
Kieran Kelleher 142.1 48
Kieran Kelleher 166.1 49 * a Wonder directory with the whole Wonder source tree (directories, projects, frameworks, example apps, miscellaneous, etc.) inside.
50 * The binary Wonder frameworks ("ant frameworks") will be installed in /Library/Frameworks.
51 * If you ran "ant applications", they will be installed in ...
52 * If you ran "ant examples", they will be installed in ...