Version 137.1 by Kieran Kelleher on 2007/12/12 09:17

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Kieran Kelleher 136.1 1 == Introduction ==
David Avendasora 128.1 2
Kieran Kelleher 136.1 3 Instead of downloading the Wonder binaries, working from the latest source code directly can have some advantages such as:
miguel77mex 77.1 4
Kieran Kelleher 136.1 5 * Ability to browse the source code and learn from the wisdom and experience of the WO committers
6 * Put breakpoints in and step through Wonder source when debugging your projects
7 * Provide opportunities to submit patches to bugs you might find in Wonder
David Avendasora 112.1 8 * Add logging statements in Wonder source so you can better understand what is going when tracking down hard to find bugs
Kieran Kelleher 136.1 10 == Downloading Wonder Source from CVS ==
David Avendasora 112.1 11
Kieran Kelleher 136.1 12 * Decide on a directory where you will maintain the latest Wonder source tree on your hard drive. I have a directory ',,/WonderLatest' in my home folder.,,
13 * Open a terminal shell and navigate to the directory
miguel77mex 77.1 14
Kieran Kelleher 136.1 15 {{noformat}}
miguel77mex 77.1 16
Kieran Kelleher 136.1 17 cd ~/WonderLatest
David Avendasora 128.1 18
Kieran Kelleher 136.1 19 {{/noformat}}
miguel77mex 77.1 20
Kieran Kelleher 136.1 21 * Next perform initial checkout of Wonder source tree from CVS head using the following command. This creates a folder named Wonder
David Avendasora 128.1 22
23 {{noformat}}
Kieran Kelleher 136.1 25 cvs -z3 co -P Wonder
David Avendasora 128.1 26
27 {{/noformat}}
Kieran Kelleher 136.1 29 == Build and Install Wonder ==
David Avendasora 128.1 30
Kieran Kelleher 136.1 31 * Follow the "Building with Ant" instructions in the BUILD.txt document in the Wonder directory
David Avendasora 118.1 32
Kieran Kelleher 136.1 33 == Concepts ==
David Avendasora 124.1 34
Kieran Kelleher 136.1 35 This complete procedure results in you having
David Avendasora 128.1 36
Kieran Kelleher 136.1 37 * a Wonder directory with the whole Wonder source tree (directories, projects, frameworks, example apps, miscellaneous, etc.) inside.
38 * The binary Wonder frameworks ("ant frameworks") will be installed in /Library/Frameworks.
39 * If you ran "ant applications", they will be installed in ...
40 * If you ran "ant examples", they will be installed in ...