Changes for page Getting the Wonder Source Code
Last modified by Bastian Triller on 2013/10/05 10:40
From version 92.1
edited by jbrook
on 2011/06/14 17:00
on 2011/06/14 17:00
Change comment:
There is no comment for this version
To version 91.1
edited by David Avendasora
on 2011/04/29 14:48
on 2011/04/29 14:48
Change comment:
Added links to information on how to use the source code once you've downloaded it.
Page properties (2 modified, 0 added, 0 removed)
- Page properties
- Author
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. jbrook1 +XWiki.avendasora - Content
... ... @@ -21,8 +21,7 @@ 21 21 1. h5. Clone the source repository from GitHub into a new directory named "WonderSource" or whatever you'd like. 22 22 23 23 {{note title="Read Only"}} 24 -Note the URL shown here is the public read-only URL. Committers should use the SSH form of the URL for read-write. 25 -If "git://" does not work for you then use "http://" 24 +Note the URL shown here is the public read-only URL. Committers should use the SSH form of the URL for read-write 26 26 {{/note}} 27 27 28 28 {{code value="none"}} ... ... @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ 71 71 72 72 {{note title="Ant Builds on your Development Machine"}} 73 73 74 -WOlips' "Incremental Builder" is an incredibly helpful feature during development, but it does things that the Ant deployment build does not do. If you are *either* using WOLips to build your WebObjects Applications (_WOLips Ant Tools > Install_) *or* are [running Hudson/Jenkins|WO:Installing and Using the Hudson build server] locally to do it, you *must* also build and install your workspace's Frameworks that your Application depends upon -- including your own, Project Wonder's and any others. *The standard Ant build does *{color:#ff0000}{*}NOT{*}{color}*do this for you.*73 +WOlips' "Incremental Builder" is an incredibly helpful feature during development, but it does things that the Ant deployment build does not do. If you are *either* using WOLips to build your WebObjects Applications (_WOLips Ant Tools > Install_) *or* are [running Hudson/Jenkins|WO:Installing and Using the Hudson build server] locally to do it, you *must* also build and install your workspace's Frameworks that your Application depends upon -- including your own, Project Wonder's and any others. *The standard Ant build does {color:#ff0000}NOT{color} do this for you.* 75 75 76 76 {{/note}} 77 77 ... ... @@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ 80 80 81 81 {{note title="Using Both Binary and Source Code Frameworks on Your Development Machine"}} 82 82 83 - If you have both Source Code projects and the built, Binary Frameworks installed,you need to makesure you build all source code frameworks that your project depends upon first. _The standard Ant build does not do this for you._ Ant builds only use binary frameworks so if the installed frameworks are not up to date your Ant build could fail, or worse, succeed but contain run-time errors.82 +Make sure you build all source code frameworks that your project depends upon first. _The standard Ant build does not do this for you._ Ant builds only use binary frameworks so if the installed frameworks are not up to date your Ant build could fail, or worse, succeed but contain run-time errors. 84 84 85 85 {{/note}} 86 86 87 87 * h5. Build Project Wonder frameworks with Hudson/Jenkins 88 -The ideal way to build WebObjects frameworks and applications is to use a "Continuous Integration Server" or "Build Server" like Hudson or Jenkins. This allows you to automate the often complex process of building WebObjects projects that have several dependencies on frameworks. Instructions on how to setup a Hudson/Jenkins server is are available on the [[WO:Installing and Using JenkinsandHudsonBuildServers]] page.87 +The ideal way to build WebObjects frameworks and applications is to use a "Continuous Integration Server" or "Build Server" like Hudson or Jenkins. This allows you to automate the often complex process of building WebObjects projects that have several dependencies on frameworks. Instructions on how to setup a Hudson/Jenkins server is are available on the [[WO:Installing and Using the Hudson build server]] page.