Changes for page Getting the Wonder Source Code
Last modified by Bastian Triller on 2013/10/05 10:40
From version 79.1
edited by Pascal Robert
on 2013/09/22 14:26
on 2013/09/22 14:26
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To version 78.1
edited by miguel77mex
on 2013/05/22 00:08
on 2013/05/22 00:08
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. probert1 +XWiki.miguel77mex - Content
... ... @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 1 1 {{tip title="Now with more Git"}} 2 -As of May 21th, 2013 the Wonder source code is now maintained on [[GitHub>>url:||shape="rect"]] at [[https:~~/~~/>>url:||shape="rect"]]. You'll need to be familiar with the [[Git>>url:||shape="rect"]] Source Code Management system. [[Here's>>doc:Getting Started with Git]] a good place to start. You will use Git to checkout a local copy of the repository (a "clone" in Git terms) allowing you to have direct access to the Wonder source. 2 +As of May 21th, 2013 the Wonder source code is now maintained on [[GitHub>>url:||shape="rect"]] at [[https:~~/~~/>>url:||shape="rect"]]. You'll need to be familiar with the [[Git>>url:||shape="rect"]] Source Code Management system. [[Here's>>doc:WO.Getting Started with Git]] a good place to start. You will use Git to checkout a local copy of the repository (a "clone" in Git terms) allowing you to have direct access to the Wonder source. 3 3 {{/tip}} 4 4 5 5 == Why? == ... ... @@ -19,24 +19,17 @@ 19 19 1. ((( 20 20 ===== Clone the source repository from GitHub into a new directory named "WonderSource" or whatever you'd like. ===== 21 21 22 -{{code 0="none"}} 23 -git clone git:// WonderSource 24 -{{/code}} 22 +{{code 0="none"}}git clone git:// WonderSource{{/code}} If "git:~/~/" does not work for you then use "http:~/~/" 25 25 26 -If "git:~/~/" does not work for you then use "http:~/~/" 27 - 28 -{{note title="Wonder Committers"}} 29 -The URL above is the public, read-only URL. 24 +{{note title="Wonder Committers"}}The URL above is the public, read-only URL. 30 30 People with commit privileges for Project Wonder should use: **** 31 31 32 32 {{warning}} 33 33 Do **not** change "git@..." to be your username. 34 -{{/warning}} 35 -{{/note}} 29 +{{/warning}}{{/note}}You should see output something like this: 36 36 37 -You should see output something like this: 38 - 39 39 {{noformat}} 32 + 40 40 Cloning into WonderSource... 41 41 remote: Counting objects: 174269, done. 42 42 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (57304/57304), done. ... ... @@ -49,9 +49,7 @@ 49 49 1. ((( 50 50 ===== Navigate into the working copy root ===== 51 51 52 -{{code 0="none"}} 53 -cd WonderSource 54 -{{/code}} 45 +{{code 0="none"}}cd WonderSource{{/code}} 55 55 56 56 {{note title="WebObjects 5.3.3 Compatability"}} 57 57 If you are still using old WebObjects 5.3.3, then you need to execute this git command to switch to the branch for WebObjects 5.3.3: ... ... @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ 63 63 You should get output like this: 64 64 65 65 {{noformat}} 57 + 66 66 Branch Wonder_5_0_0_Legacy set up to track remote branch Wonder_5_0_0_Legacy from origin. 67 67 Switched to a new branch 'Wonder_5_0_0_Legacy' 68 68 ... ... @@ -78,9 +78,7 @@ 78 78 79 79 The integration branch of Wonder is where the most recent fixes, additions, new features, etc., are merged in for testing and vetting by the community. By checking out integration you can benefit from all of these latest commits to the Wonder project before they are pulled into master/trunk. And the community can benefit by having another contributor to the improvement of Wonder. To work with the integration branch in Git, you will simply checkout that branch from your repository like so: 80 80 81 -{{code 0="none"}} 82 -cd WonderSource 83 -{{/code}} 73 +{{code 0="none"}}cd WonderSource{{/code}} 84 84 85 85 {{code}} 86 86 git checkout integration ... ... @@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ 91 91 * ((( 92 92 ===== Use Wonder source code projects in your Eclipse workspace ===== 93 93 94 -The best way to make use of Project Wonder is obviously to import the source code projects directly into your Eclipse workspace. Why would you be reading this page if that isn't what you are trying to do?! Detailed instructions are here: [[doc:Working with Wonder source in Eclipse]] 84 +The best way to make use of Project Wonder is obviously to import the source code projects directly into your Eclipse workspace. Why would you be reading this page if that isn't what you are trying to do?! Detailed instructions are here: [[doc:Working with Wonder source in Eclipse]] 95 95 96 96 {{note title="Ant Builds on your Development Machine"}} 97 -WOlips' "Incremental Builder" is an incredibly helpful feature during development, but it does things that the Ant deployment build does not do. If you are **either** using WOLips to build your WebObjects Applications (//WOLips Ant Tools > Install//) **or** are [[running Hudson/Jenkins locally>>doc:documentation.Installing andConfiguringJenkins]] to do it, you **must** also build and install your workspace's Frameworks that your Application depends upon – including your own, Project Wonder's and any others. **The standard Ant build does** (% style="color: rgb(255,0,0);" %)**NOT**(%%) **do this for you.**87 +WOlips' "Incremental Builder" is an incredibly helpful feature during development, but it does things that the Ant deployment build does not do. If you are **either** using WOLips to build your WebObjects Applications (//WOLips Ant Tools > Install//) **or** are [[running Hudson/Jenkins>>doc:WO.Installing and Using the Hudson build server]] locally to do it, you **must** also build and install your workspace's Frameworks that your Application depends upon – including your own, Project Wonder's and any others. **The standard Ant build does** (% style="color: rgb(255,0,0);" %)**NOT**(%%) **do this for you.** 98 98 {{/note}} 99 99 ))) 100 100 ... ... @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ 101 101 * ((( 102 102 ===== Build and Install Project Wonder Binary Frameworks ===== 103 103 104 -For building and installing the Wonder Frameworks, please see the standard [[Building and Installing WO Frameworks with Ant>>doc:documentation.Building and Installing a Framework with Ant]] pages. 94 +For building and installing the Wonder Frameworks, please see the standard [[Building and Installing WO Frameworks with Ant>>doc:documentation.Building and Installing a Framework with Ant]] pages. 105 105 106 106 {{note title="Using Both Binary and Source Code Frameworks on Your Development Machine"}} 107 107 If you have both Source Code projects and the built, Binary Frameworks installed, you need to make sure you build all source code frameworks that your project depends upon first. //The standard Ant build does not do this for you.// Ant builds only use binary frameworks so if the installed frameworks are not up to date your Ant build could fail, or worse, succeed but contain run-time errors.