Changes for page Getting the Wonder Source Code
Last modified by Bastian Triller on 2013/10/05 10:40
From version 211.1
edited by Kieran Kelleher
on 2010/01/11 12:30
on 2010/01/11 12:30
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To version 212.1
edited by Kieran Kelleher
on 2010/08/14 19:52
on 2010/08/14 19:52
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... ... @@ -9,28 +9,20 @@ 9 9 10 10 == Downloading Wonder Source from Subversion == 11 11 12 -* Decideon a directory where you willmaintain thelatestWondersourcetreeon yourhard drive.Ihavea directory',,/WonderLatest'inmyhomefolder.,,13 -* Opena terminalshell andnavigate to the directory12 +* Open a terminal shell and navigate to the directory where you want to maintain the WonderSource directory and decide on a name of the folder that will contain the Wonder source. For this example, we will use the name //WonderSource// 13 +* Perform initial checkout of Wonder source tree from Subversion head using the following command. This checks out the source into the directory WonderLatest 14 14 15 15 {{noformat}} 16 16 17 - mkdir~/WonderLatest17 +svn co WonderSource 18 18 19 19 {{/noformat}} 20 20 21 -* Next perform initial checkout of Wonder source tree from Subversion head using the following command. This creates a folder named Wonder 22 - 23 -{{noformat}} 24 - 25 -svn co ~/WonderLatest 26 - 27 -{{/noformat}} 28 - 29 29 * As often as you prefer you can keep this up to date as follows: 30 30 31 31 {{noformat}} 32 32 33 -cd ~/WonderLatest25 +cd /path/to/WonderSource 34 34 svn up 35 35 36 36 {{/noformat}} ... ... @@ -43,13 +43,13 @@ 43 43 44 44 The default instructions in Wonder's BUILD.txt produce binaries that are compatable with WO 5.3.3. If you are using WO 5.4.X, then you need to add the "-Dwonder.patch=54" option to the ant commands. For example: 45 45 46 -ant -Dwonder.patch=54 frameworks; sudo ant -Dwonder.patch=54 frameworks.install 38 +ant \-Dwonder.patch=54 frameworks; sudo ant \-Dwonder.patch=54 frameworks.install 47 47 48 48 {{/warning}} 49 49 50 50 == Concepts == 51 51 52 -This complete procedure results in you having 44 +This complete procedure results in you having 53 53 54 54 * a Wonder directory with the whole Wonder source tree (directories, projects, frameworks, example apps, miscellaneous, etc.) inside. 55 55 * The binary Wonder frameworks ("ant frameworks") will be installed in /Library/Frameworks.