Last modified by Bastian Triller on 2013/10/05 10:40

From version 175.1
edited by Kieran Kelleher
on 2011/03/25 18:47
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 173.1
edited by Kieran Kelleher
on 2010/10/04 21:09
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -11,16 +11,32 @@
11 11  
12 12  == Source Frameworks Initial Installation ==
13 13  
14 -As of March 25th, 2011, Wonder is maintained on github. So git is what we use to get a local clone of the repository allowing us to directly use Wonder source.
14 +Open a terminal and navigate to a directory where you want to maintain a source "working copy" and just use the following easy-peasy commands to download the Wonder source. Note that as of repository version 11387 (Sep 27, 2010) the Wonder repository URL is the only difference between the Wonder source procedure for WebObjects 5.3.3 and WebObjects 5.4.3 installation. For your copy/paste convenience, the full procedures for both WebObjects 5.4.X and 5.3.X are shown below. WebObjects 5.4.3 and the Wonder branch for same is recommended and is where the most features are expected to be found.
15 15  
16 -Open a terminal and navigate to a directory where you want to maintain a source "working copy" and just use the following easy-peasy commands to clone Wonder source to your own hard-drive.
16 +{{code title="Procedure for WebObjects 5.4.X"}}
17 17  
18 -{{code title="Cloning Project Wonder for the First Time"}}
18 +# Checkout the source from subversion repository into a new directory named "WonderSource"
19 +# Note instead of HEAD, you can use a specific svn version number if you want
20 +svn co --revision HEAD WonderSource
19 19  
20 -# Clone the source repository from github into a new directory named "WonderSource".
21 -# Note the URL shown here is the public read-only URL. Committers should use the SSH form of the URL for read-write
22 -git clone git:// WonderSource
22 +# Navigate into the working copy root
23 +cd WonderSource
23 23  
25 +# Build the frameworks from the source (BTW, they get built into a directory named Roots in your home dir)
26 +ant frameworks
27 +
28 +# Install the frameworks (this just copies the built frameworks from ~/Roots to
29 +# the runtime Frameworks directory, usually at /Library/Frameworks)
30 +sudo ant frameworks.install
31 +
32 +{{/code}}
33 +
34 +{{code title="Procedure for WebObjects 5.3.X"}}
35 +
36 +# Checkout the source from subversion repository into a new directory named "WonderSource"
37 +# Note instead of HEAD, you can use a specific svn version number if you want
38 +svn co --revision HEAD WonderSource
39 +
24 24  # Navigate into the working copy root
25 25  cd WonderSource
26 26  
... ... @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
35 35  
36 36  == Source Frameworks Upgrade Installation ==
37 37  
38 -Assuming you already cloned and installed Wonder from source using the method outlined above, you can use the following procedure pull the latest changes into your local repository.
54 +Assuming you already installed Wonder from source using the method outlined above, and you are using the branch of Wonder appropriate to your WebObjects version, you can use the following procedure to upgrade to a newer, or just different version, as long as that version is greater than repository version 11387 (Sep 27, 2010, which was when the WO 5.4 branch was first introduced).
39 39  
40 40  {{code title="Procedure for WebObjects 5.3.X or 5.4.X"}}
41 41  
... ... @@ -48,8 +48,9 @@
48 48  # Navigate to the original Wonder source directory that you created above during initial source installation
49 49  cd /path/to/WonderSource
50 50  
51 -# Pull the changes you do not have and merge them with your local repository
52 -git pull
67 +# Update the source to the HEAD revision (aka latest). You can also use a specific svn
68 +# repository version instead of the term 'HEAD', for example 11272
69 +svn update --force --accept theirs-full --revision HEAD
53 53  
54 54  # Clean, build and install the frameworks
55 55  ant clean; ant frameworks; sudo ant frameworks.install
... ... @@ -58,18 +58,18 @@
58 58  
59 59  {{info}}
60 60  
61 -If you have any trouble or errors due to your local repository getting hosed, then simply delete the entire local repository directory, the \~/Roots directory and just start over using the initial source clone and installation procedure outlined above.
78 +If you have any trouble or errors due to your working copy getting hosed, then simply delete the entire working copy directory, the \~/Roots directory and just start over using the initial source installation procedure outlined above.
62 62  
63 63  {{/info}}
64 64  
65 65  {{info value="Custom Development Enviroment File layout using Custom"}}
66 66  
67 -If you have a custom wolips properties file for a specific workspace and you want to have a specific Wonder clone for that workspace, you can simply link your custom wolips properties file to a soft link named in the working copy root directory. The Wonder build script will supersede all other filesystem layout poperties with the properties in that file.
84 +If you have a custom wolips properties file for a specific workspace and you want to have a specific Wonder source working copy for that workspace, you can simply link your custom wolips properties file to a soft link named in the working copy root directory. The Wonder build script will supersede all other filesystem layout poperties with the properties in that file.
68 68  
69 69  For example:
70 70  
71 71  {code}
72 -$ cd my/special/purpose/clone/of/Wonder
89 +$ cd my/special/purpose/working/copy/of/Wonder
73 73  $ ln -s ~/Library/Application\ Support/WOLips/
74 74  {code}
75 75  
... ... @@ -80,6 +80,6 @@
80 80  wo.external.root=/Users/mike/Developer/special/directory/Roots
81 81  {code}
82 82  
83 -*Tip:* A custom WebServer install directory can be specified to Wonder by adding the property 'wo.server.root' to the custom wolips properties file also.
100 +*Tip:* A custom WebServer install directory can be specified to Wonder by adding the property 'wo.server.root' to the custom wilips properties file also.
84 84  
85 85  {{/info}}