Changes for page Getting the Wonder Source Code
Last modified by Bastian Triller on 2013/10/05 10:40
From version 168.1
edited by tmk
on 2010/09/09 22:48
on 2010/09/09 22:48
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To version 170.1
edited by Kieran Kelleher
on 2011/03/25 19:17
on 2011/03/25 19:17
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- Title
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -Download Wonder Source, Build andInstall1 +Download Wonder Source, Build, Install and Upgrade - Author
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. tmk1 +XWiki.kieran - Content
... ... @@ -2,51 +2,99 @@ 2 2 3 3 Instead of downloading the Wonder binaries, working from the latest source code directly can have some advantages such as: 4 4 5 -* Ability to conveniently browse and search the source code and learn from the wisdom and experience of the WO committers 6 -* Put breakpoints in and step through Wonder source when debugging your projects 7 -* Provide opportunities to submit patches to bugs you might find in Wonder 5 +* Learn very much about WebObjects and EOF (and java dev styles?) 6 +* Easily browse and search the source 7 +* Work with a specific svn version (teams, quality control, development cycles) 8 +* Provide opportunities to submit patches for bug fixes or enhancements 8 8 * Add logging statements in Wonder source so you can better understand what is going when tracking down hard to find bugs 9 -* Work withspecificversionsofWonderina project - good practice for quality control,especiallyforteams10 +* Discover the many Hidden Treasures of Wonder 10 10 11 -== Downloading WonderSourcefromSubversion ==12 +== Source Frameworks Initial Installation == 12 12 13 -* Open a terminal shell and navigate to the directory where you want to maintain the WonderSource directory and decide on a name of the folder that will contain the Wonder source. For this example, we will use the name //WonderSource// 14 -* Perform initial checkout of Wonder source tree from Subversion head using the following command. This checks out the source into the directory //WonderSource//, automatically creating //WonderSource// if it does not exist. 14 +As of March 25th, 2011, Wonder is maintained on github. So git is what we use to get a local clone of the repository allowing us to directly use Wonder source. 15 15 16 - {{noformat}}16 +Open a terminal and navigate to a directory where you want to maintain a source "working copy" and just use the following easy-peasy commands to clone Wonder source to your own hard-drive. 17 17 18 - svnco +{{code title="Cloning Project Wonder for the First Time"}} 19 19 20 -{{/noformat}} 20 +# Clone the source repository from github into a new directory named "WonderSource". 21 +# Note the URL shown here is the public read-only URL. Committers should use the SSH form of the URL for read-write 22 +git clone git:// WonderSource 21 21 22 -* As often as you prefer you can keep this up to date as follows: 24 +# Navigate into the working copy root 25 +cd WonderSource 23 23 24 -{{noformat}} 27 +# If you are still using old WebObjects 5.3.3, then you need to execute one git command at this point 28 +# before you build Wonder to switch to the branch that is source-compatible with WO 5.3.3. See the tip at the bottom of the page. 25 25 30 +# Build the frameworks from the source (Assumes you are using WebObjects 5.4.3, 31 +# which is currently compatible with 'master' branch. See note below for WebObjects 5.3.3 compatible install) 32 +ant frameworks 33 + 34 +# Install the frameworks (this just copies the built frameworks from ~/Roots to 35 +# the runtime Frameworks directory, usually at /Library/Frameworks) 36 +sudo ant frameworks.install 37 + 38 +{{/code}} 39 + 40 +== Source Frameworks Upgrade Installation == 41 + 42 +Assuming you already cloned and installed Wonder from source using the method outlined above, you can use the following procedure pull the latest changes into your local repository. 43 + 44 +{{code title="Updating your Source"}} 45 + 46 +# Navigate to the Roots directory that was automatically created by the initial Source installation procedure above 47 +cd ~/Roots/ 48 + 49 +# Delete all installed frameworks whose names match the built frameworks in this Roots build folder 50 +for FRAMEWORK in `echo *.framework`; do sudo rm -r /Library/Frameworks/${FRAMEWORK}; done 51 + 52 +# Navigate to the original Wonder source directory that you created above during initial source installation 26 26 cd /path/to/WonderSource 27 -svn up 28 28 29 -{{/noformat}} 55 +# Pull the changes you do not have and merge them with your local repository 56 +git pull 30 30 31 -== Build and Install Wonder == 58 +# Clean, build and install the frameworks 59 +ant clean; ant frameworks; sudo ant frameworks.install 32 32 33 - * Follow the "Building with Ant" instructions in the BUILD.txtdocument in the Wonder directory61 +{{/code}} 34 34 35 -{{ warningtitle="WebObjects 5.4.XCompatability"}}63 +{{info value="Legacy WebObjects 5.3.3 Compatability"}} 36 36 37 -The default instructions in Wonder's BUILD.txt produce binaries that are compatable with WO 5.3.3. If you are using WO 5.4.X, then you need to add the "-Dwonder.patch=54" option to the ant commands. For example: 65 +If you are still stuck on WebObjects 5.3.3, for whatever reason, then you need to checkout and switch to the Wonder_5_0_0_Legacy branch *before* you build (before you run 'ant frameworks'). And this is *much* easier with git than it used to be with subversion. Just one command: 66 + 67 +{code} 68 +git checkout --track origin/Wonder_5_0_0_Legacy 69 +{code} 70 + 38 38 39 - ant \-Dwonder.patch=54frameworks; sudo ant \-Dwonder.patch=54 frameworks.install72 +{{/info}} 40 40 41 - Alternatively, to avoid having to type the \-Dwonder.patch=54 option every time, one can create a build.propertiesfile at the root of the Wonder directory that contains the following line : wonder.patch=5474 +{{info}} 42 42 43 - {{/warning}}76 +If you have any trouble or errors due to your local repository getting hosed, then simply delete the entire local repository directory, the \~/Roots directory and just start over using the initial source clone and installation procedure outlined above. 44 44 45 - == Concepts ==78 +{{/info}} 46 46 47 - Thiscompleteprocedure resultsinyouhaving80 +{{info value="Custom Development Enviroment File layout using Custom"}} 48 48 49 -* a Wonder directory with the whole Wonder source tree (directories, projects, frameworks, example apps, miscellaneous, etc.) inside. 50 -* The binary Wonder frameworks ("ant frameworks") will be installed in /Library/Frameworks. 51 -* If you ran "ant applications", they will be installed in ... 52 -* If you ran "ant examples", they will be installed in ... 82 +If you have a custom wolips properties file for a specific workspace and you want to have a specific Wonder clone for that workspace, you can simply link your custom wolips properties file to a soft link named in the working copy root directory. The Wonder build script will supersede all other filesystem layout poperties with the properties in that file. 83 + 84 +For example: 85 + 86 +{code} 87 +$ cd my/special/purpose/clone/of/Wonder 88 +$ ln -s ~/Library/Application\ Support/WOLips/ 89 +{code} 90 + 91 +An example of where this approach might be used would be when you have different projects (perhaps in a specially designated workspace) that use a specific version of WebObjects and a specific version or branch of Wonder. 92 + 93 +*Tip:* Specify a custom build directory for Wonder by adding the property 'wo.external.root' to the custom wolips properties file, for example 94 +{code} 95 +wo.external.root=/Users/mike/Developer/special/directory/Roots 96 +{code} 97 + 98 +*Tip:* A custom WebServer install directory can be specified to Wonder by adding the property 'wo.server.root' to the custom wolips properties file also. 99 + 100 +{{/info}}